Discussion: Jeb Bush Wants To 'Figure Out A Way To Phase Out' Medicare

Jeb Bush declares his candidacy for president over … news at 11

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Allow me to say on behalf of all Americans 65 and older: Buh-bye, Jebby.


If Bush was serious, then he would be an ardent supported of Obamacare. Medicare was necessary because insurance companies denied insurance to older individuals, or made the premiums impossible to afford. Older Americans were facing the prospect of dying in poverty because all of their life savings were drained paying for healthcare. The ACA prevents age discrimination and normalizes the costs over a broad range of policy holders. While I personally prefer Medicare for All, vouchers in the context of a viable ACA might be worth discussing. Not that I think Bush is willing to support the ACA and, in the absence of that, his is a crappy idea.


he was careful to exempt current seniors and just stick it to under 65 America.


Bush’s team must be thrilled that Trump is dominating the news coverage. If this statement took off at all, he’d be toast.


Yeah, I agree with you, Puppies. That rambling stream of buzzwords implies a rather cavalier attitude towards rational thought, or even concern with the consequences. Very curious in a serious presidential campaign.


Always looking Ahead for future generations.

That’s our TeaBaggers


No he hasn’t because he has rehired his Pappies team, wrong then, wrong with Bushie, wrong now…


Mr. McGuire: I just want to say one word to you. Just one word.

Benjamin: Yes, sir.

Mr. McGuire: Are you listening?

Benjamin: Yes, I am.

Mr. McGuire: Soylent Green.

Benjamin: Exactly how do you mean?


Logs that have been marinated in premium gasoline.


I am particularly glad the children were here to hear that–authentic frontier gibberish.

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I believe that he does not have to do anything, as he sees it, he is the “Entitled One” therefore has already been anointed, he just needs the benediction to be completed.

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First servo in pitting veterans against the disabled in the fight to end medicare…

Note: The list is not in any particular order…

With trump sucking all the air out of the room is anyone paying attention to jeb these days? Maybe he wants to get these proposals out there while the spotlight is elsewhere.


ole Jethro,forgot about his little ol Medicare fraud problem,30 years ago


I never understand why they think this is a winning argument. Older Americans are deeply invested in the lives of their kids, nieces/nephews, neighbors, fellow church members, etc - we want them to have at least some minimum security in their old age. My only explanation is that Republicans try to translate their own lack of empathy to the rest of us.


Fine with me as long as he figures out a way to phase out old age and illness first.

Jeeze! He’s supposed to be the smart one.


So for working age people, JEB! wants longer hours, and for retirees, JEB! wants to end Medicare.

JFC. Even that fucking idiot Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the rest of the shitbrains at the DNC oughta be able to capitalize on that.

Or maybe not, it might get in the way of running spasitcally from Obama’s (increasingly stellar) record.


Yeah, well he must be too stupid to realize that Youtube still exists.

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