Discussion: Jeb Bush Wants To 'Figure Out A Way To Phase Out' Medicare

Perhaps the ad should have an older middle-aged person, photographing the vista, be pushed off the cliff from behind?

Or perhaps you could just “render” retirees en masse to assisted living centers and schiavo them upon arrival?

No doubt some sort of clarifying statement will be forthcoming (“The governor never said anything about eliminating Medicare, he just said he wanted to make it better by replacing it with ice cream cones for everyone with sprinkles! And over 67s can have Medicare AND ice cream cones with sprinkles!”), but of course the GOP plan for olds is, as it has ever been, nourishing catfood and the dignity of having worked a double shift at Walmart for it, just as the GOP plan for healthcare is and has ever been magic ditches that you can lie in when you’re sick…


Hey Jeb, wanna eliminate the need for both Medicare and Social Security?
The solution is well-known … “Soylent Green”.

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Remember, “the rich are different than you and me.”


It’s things like this that make me think that Jebbie doen’t really want to be President. Of course, the recent poll data that shows that Jebbie, Snottie Walker, and Rubio are beating Hillary in key swing states demonstrates that people are complete idiots and that the likes of Jebbie may get elected regardless.

The House GOP members did this already. When they were sworn in this past January, their first order of business was to alter the funding arrangements between SSOAR (Social Security Old Age and Retirement Fund) and the SSDI/SSI Fund. For many decades, the two funds would “lend” each other monies when the other would be forecast for a shortfall the next fiscal year. New rules the GOP established this year forbid these “loans” or shifting of funds. Now, if one is forecast to have a shortfall–as SSDI/SSI is this next year–the recipients will take a hit of whatever percentage the fund is believed to be short for that fiscal year. Come January, anyone on SSDI or SSI will see a 20% or more cut in whatever benefits they have been receiving. SSOAR Fund is not forecast to be short next year, so their benefits will not be touched.

The GOP are heartless, classist hateful beings who only wish to see others suffer. I can’t stand them anymore. Jeb and his ilk need to burn.


It is plausible.

The same kind of thing causes them to truly believe that the portion of the population they represent is the majority, when it is not.


TPM commenters do not disappoint! Lots to “like” on this comment thread!

Yes, someone told him drinking tea sweetened with kool-aid would energize his political life.

Oh yeah, he’s totally going to be the nominee. It’s inevitable and inexorable. He’s the smart one. Politiks skillz, he haz dem.

But Trump’s Medicare replacement will be yooooge! Much bigger and classier than Medicare as we know it. It’s a two week negotiation, tops. Boom, done!


Incoherence seems to run in the family…

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The GOP doesn’t need a winning platform this time - their voters don’t pay attention to it anyway. As long as they spew enough hatred to keep the base fired up and turning out, they’re pretty much guaranteed a win, because the Dems are split between the leftist “Hillary is a corporate warhawk DLC DINO and I will never vote for her” and the centrist “no I will never vote for a socialist like Sanders” wings (and a group that will vote for either one of our candidates, but there aren’t enough of them to win the election). Democratic turnout is going to be horribly low for a Presidential election, and low turnout means a GOP win.

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They don’t think like that. They live in their fishbowl. Their fishbowl says “I did it! Why can’t everyone else do it?” This is an email from one of my republican friends. I grew up with him, so I accept him, warts and all. But we were having a discussion about poverty, and I mentioned, that particularly in the inner cities, poverty is systemic. And in order to have real change, a complete sea change will have to occur, and there are no band-aid fixes. I’m simplifying the argument for the sake of not writing a novel here. But here’s his response to that email. I think it sums up the disconnected, and worse, the “I don’t give a shit about the poor” nature of the Republican party.

I’m going to help the majority of impoverished people, ready? Stay in school, graduate, get a job, don’t do drugs, join the service, don’t commit crimes, love your family, join a church, live within your means, get a second job if necessary. ALL of these things are FREE, I just helped impoverished people. OR, don’t do any of these things, I could give a sh-t, but either way, please stop asking me for help.

See? This is why a real conversation, or no sort of any kind of meaningful change, will ever come to the impoverished as long as Republicans are involved in the conversation.


Phase out Medicare – oh, yeah, that should be real popular. Please proceed, governor. I’m sure Rick Perry would be happy to fill your slot in the Ohio debate when your poll numbers plunge to zero.

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Typical of Bush and many conservatives. They don’t want to conserve. Wanting to take something that works well, everyone over 65 is covered, costs less than private plans. Then it would end up costing more and covering fewer people. Look at what he did to public education as well as privatized prisons in Florida as an example. Sometimes government is more efficient and lowers costs through economies of scale.


It seems never to occur to them that the current Medicare recipients likely have children and grandchildren that they are just as concerned about, and maybe even more concerned about, as they are about themselves.


The rising waters from global warming seems a merciful inundation by comparison.

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Which, as you may realize, is pretty much the attitude slaveowners took toward slaves. Which is one reason that most, if not all, slave states had laws that mandated that owners who freed slaves take economic responsibility for them – it was to prevent slaveowners from freeing a slave at the end of his/her useful working life and leaving the slave to fend for himself/herself and possibly become a charge on the state.


It seems a wee bit early to be predicting this kind of catastrophic outcome…


Whoever it is, I suspect that at this point all of the members of his advisory team are totally bald from pulling their hair out every time he opens his mouth. So they should be pretty easy to spot.

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