Discussion: House Intel GOP Jams Out Its Russia Findings: No Collusion!

It’s never appropriate to whitewash an investigation, but since our country was attacked by an enemy nation, it’s especially egregious. I hope the American voters will hold Republicans accountable in November.

History will not look kindly on Paul Ryan and the Republicans on this committee.


That sums it up perfectly.


This will turn out to be a huge mistake. Mueller will find overwhelming evidence of “collusion” (though he won’t use that word) and the Republicans in the House will be exposed. I think they will regret this.


Not even all of that 37% might come out to vote at this point. There’s big time remorse out there. But those that voted for Bernie will vote and bring their friends and neighbors this time. Trump has insulted too many people and issues they care about.

Hillary’s voters are locked in there hard even without Biden out there beating the bushes. Our base, when united, is bigger than theirs in PA. And those so called Independents (humiliated Reagan Democrats) who voted for Trump just won’t disgrace themselves in that way twice by voting for Donald’s candidate.

And everyone is angry with this GOP House for doing nothing but help the rich. Approval ratings do matter as well.




Aren’t they going after the FBI now? Or is that not a thing anymore?

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So true. Is anyone really surprised at this? It will help with talking points on Fox but other than that it will enrage Democrats and push the blue wave. The GOP has already lost all credibility. No matter what happens from here on we are never going to stop. We are never going to give up. Nothing those corrupt traitors do is going to slow us down. We are in a battle for our democracy and we are not going to stop until we win.


If there is no collusion then the intel community doesn’t know how to do their jobs. And I strongly doubt they don’t know how to do their jobs
The House committee shut down the probe without even talking to the democrats on that committee.


This committee of collusion has decided that there is no collusion on trumps part. Just in time for the midterm elections. Too little too late deplorable‘s.

No trust left for the Republicans.


Tweety just said that the dems on the committee weren’t even told the “conclusion” was being released.

And Devin Nunes figures prominently.


I think non-Fox watching people who pay attention know the House committee is a sham at best, complicit to treason at worst. Even their own Senate counterparts have disavowed them. The Dems will release a counter-report, and the whole House investigation will dissipate into the ether. It’s only the Muller report that matters.


Thank you for posting. Also @sandyh and @matthew1961 and @pshaw and @j.dave and @chelsea530

I need to stay optimistic despite this disgusting news.


Even Putin knows to toss some “Collusion” on somebody. These guys are like Mugabe level doofuses.


Then tomorrow or next week would be a good day for a Mueller indictment.

It’s coming.


In a secret codicil to the Trump GOP House report released today, Republican congressmen begged Vlad Putin to “get off his ass and do a super job hacking the 2018 midterm election.” The report concluded: “the Republican Party needs all the help it can get. Voter suppression and gerrymandering may not be enough to steal another election this year”.


I had the same thought but I really hope we are wrong. One difference is that in the past many of the crimes the Dems have given free passes to republicans were banking and financial in nature. Dems are in many ways as beholden to Wall Street and big money as the republicans. Maybe this Russia stuff is different - so far as I know no Russians have bankrolled any Dem’s elections. And I hope the outrage of it all, the threat it represents to our country, would inspire the Dems enough to actually try to hold their republican counterparts accountable. A boy can dream.


Yes they will. Within a week they will have a special committee to investigate all the allegations of sexual misconduct/abuse/harrassment. All those women will get their chance to finally air their allegations. I also believe impeachment proceedings will proceed forthwith. And I really believe there’s a chance the Senate will convict. He has alienated many R’s in the Senate, and I believe they will see Pres. Pence as the best way forward.




Can those traitors’ Russia “findings” constitute obstruction of justice, too?

I’m more than half serious…


I’ve calmed down a bit and I agree with you. Asha Rangappa has a great GIF expressing Mueller’s DGAF response to this piece of shit report, likely reviewed and approved by Russian agents…after all…wouldn’t have it been easier for the House GOP to just say ‘Russia intervened just as USIC said but we found no evidence that Trump ‘colluded’ blah blah blah?’…It just seems that Russia would’ve wanted to counter any accusations with disinformation of exactly this type. Look what they’re doing in response to the UK poisoning situation.

I think Mueller will soon hit these guys hard with an indictment of a Trump operative proving conspiracy.

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