Discussion: 'High Time': Hatch Introduces Medical Marijuana Bill, Unleashes Pot Puns

Good question but he sure is giving signs of being a fully fledged human being. Hell with this Congress I’d rather have Hatch doing this than have had a Democrat try it earlier. We have a chance here.


Yeah that’s what the saving grace of pot is =- it brings in mad amounts of revenue. Insane amounts of money - just look at Colorado - their schools have more money than they know what to do with.


Jeffy Sessions likes keeping it illegal so cops can seize assets and keep the for-profit prisons filled.


Yeah, so Hatch still doesn’t support recreational use?

Hmm… I wonder what his thoughts on recreational alcohol use are? (edit: actually he’s a Mormon, so maybe he’d be fine with prohibiting that too. You know how these small government GOP guys are)

Alcohol is far and away more dangerous in both small and large quantities, it is probably one of the main factors that sets the US apart in terms of obesity with other countries, it has a more significant impact on driving, 37% of criminals indicated they were drinking at the time of their offense (in at least one survey I found), and alcohol and cigarettes are the most common “gateway” drugs, not marijuana.

Is burning something and inhaling it into your lungs good for you? Of course not. Should we have prohibitions on smoking marijuana and driving? Of course.

But the fact that drinking alcohol (and in basically unlimited amounts) is completely legal while smoking marijuana is not is the most hypocritical and preposterous thing in our country.


Lack of federal legalization keeps banking off limits, which incentivizes robberies, which ups the crime rate and gives justification for LAWNARDER.


Totally agree. There were only a few exceptions to the general rule of every other felon I represented on appeal, that they were drunk when they did the crime and I had more murders than anything else.


LOL! A few of my favorites:

Retardate worm.

His brains could revolve inside a peanut shell for a thousand years without touching the sides.

Scuttles for his political funk hole (allowed).

John Boy (as in Walton … or as is john?).

Merv the Swerve.


I look at it more on priorities and what the actual “crime” is.

We have had generations of people gigged, jailed and plastered with the stigmata of smoking weed. For what reason, they were high? or simply for smoking it. Yet they are less likely to be an issue to society as compared to a bar full of patrons on a Saturday night drinking themselves silly.


Far less likely. There has never been shown one correlation between smoking pot and committing crimes.* There is a direct correlation between drinking and committing crimes.

*other than the crime involved in smoking pot…


Yep. Between my time working at a defense firm and clerking for a judge, I’d say 75%+ (maybe 90%) of all violent crimes involved either alcohol or meth (we work in rural northern MN).

Never seen a single case of “I got super high and beat up [my wife/ my girlfriend/ some guy at a bar]”

Edit: I should add in “beat up my boyfriend/husband” too. #feminism


You said it well.

To say nothing of armed patrons.


Right. It has a different effect on a different part of the brain. Liquor makes people aggressively stupid.

You might think something up while high but I can guarantee that you’ll talk or think it to death before you ever get up out of where you’re sitting and actually go do something. It just isn’t conducive to action beyond eating, listening to music and sex.


Pretty fun skydiving.

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Oh, Puh-leeeze, Miss Thing!

You made me roll by eyes so hard I could see my brain.

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You left out the part where he told DoJ to tell US Atty’s to lay off states which had legalized it.

Cc: @tena


Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant.
Pot is not.

That is a lot of the difference in behavior while under the influence.



Even if he did, I doubt anyone could get full legalization through the Congress. Medicinal “research”? That’s more realistic. And if it’s legal to be using for ‘research’ purposes, it’s a bit harder to use ‘I smelled pot’ as probable cause.

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It’s all Obama’s fault!

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