Discussion: Grassley: There Will Only Be Two Witnesses On Monday If Ford Agrees To Appear

As far as I know the old farmer doesn’t even have a law degree. Seniority led to ultimate incompetence.

Right?!? That major skeleton in his closet while he led the Senate Judiciary combined with his leadership role on the Senate Finance Committee that produced the bill to never allow credit card bankruptcy because the major industry in his state is credit card corporations. What would the Bernie Bros and Sisters make of a Senatorial record like that? I really like Joe Biden but his record is so full of errors that he should never, ever make a run for POTUS.

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Talk about she said, he said. Way to go, Grassley. Duplicitous Republican cya tactics at their finest.

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Well that’s graphic all right but not nearly up to the sleazy standard set by Judge Kavanaugh himself when he created the pornographic questions that would be asked about Monica and Bill’s excellent adventures. Also too his accusations that Hillary had a sexual relationship with Vince Foster and that’s why he killed himself or she did the dirty deed. That’s not a guy you want on the SCOTUS is it? I’d rather Stormy sit in that seat than a dishonest partisan like Kavanaugh.


Anital Hill redux.

Who paid off his bill mysteriously? What about the $300,000 in baseball tickets? And Trump thinks he has a ‘sterling character’…

Not to be confused with we are going to tear you, Dr. Ford, from limb to limb. You think you were assaulted 30 years ago? Wait’ll you see what we have planned.

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Apparently not. I’d be fine with a tough Democratic response— no hearing unless… and then list them. But silence is not a strategy.

We’d more than likely have “more honest” results…with Kav all we will get is 10000000000000% compliance with his corporate masters wishes.

He simply didn’t take Professor Hill seriously, he minimized the horrible stories she had to tell with questions of when and where they occurred. He should have taken the aggressive approach Hatch took but used it against Thomas who lied his stupid ass off. I’ve never forgotten it. So, people can praise his wise counselor persona, but we saw him in full during that hearing.

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