Discussion: GOP Senator Says It's 'Hard' To Imagine Obamacare Repeal Passing This Week

Susan needs to broaden her imagination or start telling the truth. She can’t have it both ways. She was careful to avoid answering the question, which means she will vote yes.


Is Collins still thinking of running for governor?

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Their ‘dear leader’ has told them it will be beautiful once it’s passed. They believe him. Who else can they blame besides the GOP majority? They would never blame him.

That’s what you’re going with? They had them, and now they might not if this abomination passes.

Seems like a loser.

Abomination. Even the bible readers get that.

Collins as of 4/4/17: “I’m being totally honest with you, I truly don’t know. I really don’t. It’s a hard decision.” :smiley: Just like with Trumpcare.

How bizarre is this? Russian hacking: the GOP says who cares? ISIS hacking? Freakout in 3, 2, 1…

A number of government websites in the US state of Ohio, including that of Governor John Kasich, have been hacked to display a pro-IS message.
It said President Donald Trump would be held accountable for “every drop of blood flowing in Muslim countries” and ended “I love Islamic state”.
The hacking was carried out by a group calling itself Team System DZ.
The Ohio governor’s website was still down for maintenance at 17:30 local time (21:30 GMT).

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I see Assange and Russians.

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Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel posted a tweet telling “freedom-loving Americans” that radical Islam was “infiltrating the heartland”.

Har, Har, Har. Is it not diverting? Russians? Not so much. Har^3

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My blood pressure keeps rising every time I see these kind of articles. Don’t know if I’ll live through these years of Trump.

“I’m not going to vote for it.” So easy to say. But she doesn’t say it. She does this every time the latest legislative abomination comes down the pike. And then she votes as she’s told. Zero integrity.


Joe Manchin has warned that voters may not remember who gave them insurance coverage but will remember who took it away. They are losing their health insurance to support the wealthy.

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Not subtle is it.

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Send that to her ASAP.

Is that true? There definitely seems to be something wrong with her, and she’s not that old. Born in 1952, but sounds older.

Will someone tell Conway to just shut up already!

Republicans fall in line. Period.

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Good for Manchin, I guess. His constituents will be some of the ones screwed, those that haven’t died due to drug abuse.

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This was how the US military approached fighting in Vietnam. They’d burn a village in order to save it. We lost that war. But let’s do it again.

@chelsea530 @leftcoaster I have to say first it’s very disheartening to bump up against so much pessimism and negativity based on what a senator says on a talk show. Also, there have been 98 comments on Collins versus less than 60 for any of the other senators who have been reported on here as also waffling. That tells me something.

Finally, I believe that Collins will join, Murkowski, Manchin, Heller and others whose name I can’t recall in voting no but can’t say so yet for fear of the Turtle… They have large aging populations full of opioid addicts who rely on Medicaid for a modicum of treatment and everything to lose and nothing to gain if they want to have a career in politics in the future.

There, I’m done. Maybe tomorrow…


Looks like the turtle man is in deep dodo!

How do you think baby weasels happen?

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