Discussion: GOP Rep.: Obama 'The Most Racially Divisive President' Since Civil War

That whole Southern Strategy that has been documented as being embraced by the GOP wasn’t racially divisive. No, not at all.


Word salad, anyone?
I do think language serves a different purpose for the vestigial Neanderthals among us. While Homo Sapiens has developed a method of communication that I will broadly characterize as the Socratic method (a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas), Homo neanderthalensis uses language as a primitive tribal protection mechanism where words are used to trigger immediate emotional responses which unfortunately interfere with higher cognitive function. This phenomenon is often exploited by unscrupulous individuals for personal gain at the expense of the commonweal.


Loafers and velcro made ‘shoe-tying’ unnecessary…


Once he finds his feet those toes always look so tempting…

He explained he believes members of the Democratic party win office by dividing the American electorate by race.

Hey Mo —
How many “whites” did you say did your yard work and cleaned your toilet ? —

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Not to mention those freakin’ Jews who were the biggest dividers in German history prior to WWII.


This little piggy went to …uh …market.
This little piggy went …uhhhhhhh .home
This little piggy went straight into the barrel
and those dem piggies got none.
And MY little piggy went HeeHeeHee all the way to the bank!

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Projection. It’s always projection with these guys.


That’s not the half of it. He’s willfully and persistently black. It’s an outrage.


Democratic party’s campaign strategy to divide Americans based on skin pigmentation

Mo-ron, you just described the redistricting process in every US state where the GOP controls the legislature.


Let’s see, who was more racially divisive than Obama: Reagan, Nixon, Hoover, Wilson. Maybe some others. And Obama is more unifying than any of the others, except perhaps in a tie with Lyndon Johnson.


Most commentators here are, reasonably enough, focusing on the issue of whether what divisions have occurred are caused by Obama or Obama’s opponents. But the utter stupidity of the claims here goes beyond that. It simply isn’t the case that since Obama the Republican voters are uniformly white while the Democratic votes are uniformly non-white. The Republican part of that is pretty close to true, but the largest number of votes for the Democrats comes from white voters.

In other words, the demographic picture of voting in the US is basically what one would expect if Republicans were being divisive based on race, and not at all what one would expect if it was Democrats. And this pattern predates Obama’s election, so it doesn’t make any sense to think that Obama is responsible for it.

I remember the good old days when clueless people just blamed Obama for not fixing racial problems by being black. It really is a bit over the top to blame him for demographic patterns that predate his appearance on the political scene.


This is hardly the first time a Republican said these same things. Do they ever explain? I have no idea what he or any of them is talking about.

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They’re going to miss President Obama so much - they won’t have a convenient African American to blame every single thing on.


He’s from Alabama. Enough said.


Play this next to Haley claiming “…we’ve never in the history of this country passed any laws or done anything based on race or religion.”

Because we know that before all this “PC” stuff and ridiculous accusations of “race baiting” things were shiny, pretty and fair.


Right. He would be much less racially divisive had he been born white in Missouri, Alabama or Mississippi.


Well, hopefully they’ll have a strong self identifying feminist woman or an older, very liberal Jewish guy as President.

I’m sure they will find ways to hate them just as much as they hate Obama, it will just be another flavor of hate…


Can you say projection? The GOP wants to do it on religion and race. As is the white one and the upper class one. So it is not really a relevant thing to say. For that matter, in terms of economically divisive. FDR, Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton and W. were all controversial in their own way. Every president has been.

And he is the only president that has been black with a party of white people attacking everything he does.

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