Discussion: France: Trump Lacked 'Common Decency' When We Were In Mourning

Yep. It’s a little thing but it makes a huge difference. It will also get you treated well.


That’s pretty bushy, I’m waiting for his own nickname… but it may take some time, he seems too upset just now to do any creative nicknaming

He likes fries, “Trump Tots” ?


don’t think he’ll go for tots- too much like babies


Heh, I feel like relocating to France nearly every day. But where will I find the incredible Mexican food that Tucson has to offer? However … there is a seafood restaurant in Granville that lists a whitefish dish that could very well demand my relocation. Mainly it’s the sauce that is presented in a shot glass. It is seriously decadent and it makes the meal other worldly wonderful. I freely admit to being a foodie.


The Italians taught the French how to cook.

When Catherine de Medici married the King of France she took her chef with her to France. Changed everything.


Oh please…do pile on! If anyone deserves verbal abuse it is trump and his acolytes,


I understand about the Mexican food having lived in your neck of the woods, but a lot of French food for me is to die for. I’m a bakery nut and when there, I’m at one almost every day. Have had great seafood in Normandy and the south of France. I don’t want to think about it, makes me sad to not be able to experience it again and again.


You got that right. I wish all reporters and pundits would stop saying anyone is “close to” Trump or a “friend” of Trump. He has no friends and he is close to no one, including his family. His “friends” are transactional acquaintances who are often criminal co-conspirators. Even Roy Cohn, allegedly one of Trump’s “mentors” was quickly abandoned by Trump when he came down with AIDS.


I’m planning a trip back to France next year and I’m so wanting to move it up sooner.


OK…that does it…where’s my luggage?


There are asshats everywhere. Our summer home is in a small town and while most of the folks are extremely nice, it has its share of rude and inconsiderate people. Example: people will bang into your seat and keep walking. I meet that with an extremely loud “EXCUSE ME!” Sometimes you can shame them, most time not. Our main home is in Houston and there are asshats here too. All genders, races and ages.


I must admit to an advantage I have discovered a couple years ago. About a mile from our home is Ghini’s French Cafe and bakery. There is also at our weekly farmers market a booth called “Cafe Francais”. I get home made sausage in a croissant from them on a weekly basis. Ghini’s bakery supplies our sandwich bread. So currently I am in …ahem … fat city …so to speak. An eighth of a mile from our home os Rosa’s Mexican Restaurant. I guess I gotta stay here


Are you headed to one area? Favorites?

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Time to bring back “Freedom Fries”?


Actually…ha…I’m goofy. I used to do some ballroom dancing and I’ve been enthralled with the show “Versailles” lately and on my bucket list is to Fox Trot or Waltz down the Hall of Mirrors. Partner or alone, doesn’t matter. And geeky American history, I want to see some of the places Thomas Jefferson went and loved.

Also too, the FOOD! And as a photographer I want head down to Provence and photograph the lavender farms at sunset. Also want to see Reims, Verdun and so much more. The list is endless.

I’ll squeeze what I can into 2 weeks and return in a few years when I’m freed up from current obligations and can spend some quality time really exploring the regions.

I was there for a couple weeks in the late 80s and saw a lot, but want more…that was a working trip but a fun one. I was photographing and living with street performers / jugglers and traveled 6 countries in 2 1/2 months.


O very cool. Your first trip sounds incredible. The things you want to do sound awesome.

You’re just cool.


That restaurant is in Granville. It’s on the dock and is called “Le Ponton”. Check out their web site:

Look for the white fish among the images that scroll by on the website. But remember some things are seasonal. I discovered this sauce in mid summer. We were in Granville for the Tour de France bike race.

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I was young then…on the 80s trip. Think more upscale is on order. Living in a van and all that back then was fun, but…nope…saving up to go in style this time.


They sure do. It marks you as a polite person, and in fact they value politeness highly. And although many do speak English fairly well, like I said if you assume they can you’re forcing them, out of the blue, to fall back on something they may not have used much since high school. It stresses them out and they resent it. I don’t know why so many Americans can’t understand this. It’s France. They speak French there. That’s not a difficult concept.


I do hope you’re right. I continue to have hope.

But frankly, I’m not sure we’ll be able to walk this back to “normal” when he’s finally gone (by whatever means). Maybe from here it’s just an endless drop into the abyss that is the peepee phenomenon.
Time will tell…

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