Discussion: Fox News: Ben Carson Warns Trump Camp Bracing For More Revelations

Yeah, it says they sowed the wind and now they’re reaping the fucking whirlwind.

The Republican base didn’t just become crazy all by itself. It became crazy because Republicans found it convenient and politically beneficial to make them crazy, to endorse the crazy and validate it and feed into it and off it.

It’s like the assistant director of an insane asylum, let’s call him, oh, say, Dr. Gingrich, who decided to supplant the head of the place by enlisting the support of the inmates. Yeah, sure, it’s outré. Okay, yeah, it’s transgressive and entails smashing boundaries a lot of people thought were really important. But hey, it could totally work, and that’s what matters, eh?

So he withheld their meds and talked them into a belief that the administration was trying to poison them (which was pretty easy, not surprisingly), and next thing you know, Dr. Michel is fleeing for his life and Dr. Gingrich is in his office. But, being a doctor, he’s confident he can keep them all under control, and under his control. And when he fell, one after another, the later occupants of the hospital administration, many of whom began to resemble their patients because those were the only people with whom they had regular contact, decided it was to their advantage to keep the inmates unmedicated and riled up rather than trying to get them back in touch with reality.

And, next thing you know, there comes the day when the inmates want to start appointing people to the staff themselves. And the administrators say, hey, let them have a token position or two. A doctor, a nurse, an orderly. What could go wrong? We’ll still be in control. But then they appointed another and another and another, and before you know it, the whole staff of the hospital consists of the stupid, the mad and the frightened who feign madness and stupidity out of fear.

They built this. Trump isn’t a freak, he was the inevitable outcome of a system where insanity was rewarded and knowledge was punished, and all the while elites who were terrified of their base nonetheless continued to smirk at them and fondly imagine they had them under control.


No kidding.


Trump and the trump campaign condemns any acts of sexual harassment including any acts perpetrated by trump or the trump campaign.


Sure, but she’s got to protect her pussy!


I thought the Ivanka comments were already out there, but too hot to handle. Guess not.
Joni Ernst, we have a little castrating to do.


I saw him on cnn this afternoon. He said tut-tut; that’s about it. This was 2pm.

“This is, or should be, a reminder to those of us
above the ground to live with a modicum of circumspection because what
goes around comes around. It really does.”

The older I get the more direct evidence I have of this fact. I have seen it happen too many times to count. That is why I have always believed the GOP was going to pay and pay bigly. Time to pay the piper.


“They believe there’s more to come,” MacCallum said. “That there will be other bombshells like what we heard last night.”

No worries! Any new revelation will be for an incident from the past, therefore it can easily be defended with, “But that happened X number of years ago!”

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I’m going to watch Nosferatu, the Vampire tonight to get the bad taste out of my mouth.


One more example of conse-fucking-quences to add to our tiddly-wink pile:

Every single @realDonaldTrump hotel and golf course is toast. Done. Over. Bernie Madoff now has a better brand.

— Mark Cuban (@mcuban) October 8, 2016

There’s more at Huffpo.

I’m absolutely dying laughing and I hate to leave but I have to get dressed - we’re going out to dinner.



OMFG I hate to use the F when what we’re seeing is clearly divine retribution. How about a little TPM Dance Party action?!?!


Try a Tic Tac.


Sherlock for me. And i just bought some overpriced popcorn from the Boy Scouts.


Every time some repugnant new incident comes to light I think, “we have finally hit rock bottom”, but somehow Trump always finds a way to drill down deeper, so yeah, I’m pretty sure some awful new revelation is right around the next corner, and the next one, and the one after that, ad infinitum.


Perhaps a disgruntled employee of Mark Burnett or his wife, Roma Downey was able to do a dumpster dive into the archives…

drip… drip… drip… Just like the Tax Papers


And a hangar full of file cabinets full of Non Disclosure Agreements


Some people have been saying that he bought Trump Airlines solely as a cover to buy hangars where his closet skeletons can be stored.


I can only hope that the scales have fallen off enough DT supporter eyes. It won’t happen for all of them, but it would be a wonder if many of them would wake up and admit that they had been hoodwinked.

Hillary needs to be careful over the next week or two to not get carried away. She needs to stay calm, measured, and above the fray,continuing to remind ALL Americans that she will work for them. She will fight for them. She will defend them and their Constitution - all parts of it, no cherry picking involved. Let DT sink into the mire from which he came. Her message should not change. And if he has the bad fortune tomorrow night to bring up her history with Bill, she will handle it with calm and aplomb, which will be the last thing he does to her publicly that anyone will pay attention to. That is, after they laugh him out of the place.

I cannot imagine what new revelations could possibly be revealed that would be worse than the 2005 tape. I guess I will need to stay tuned and find out. I remain appalled that it was THIS particular incident that brought his downfall, after all the other crap he has pulled.t


A hangar full of custom made cabinets he did not pay for.

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