Discussion: Fox News: Ben Carson Warns Trump Camp Bracing For More Revelations

Well this is from Redstate


Well, with the election beyond reach, Trump can concentrate on stealing the money.


Clearly, if you donā€™t understand the pyramids yet, you never will.


I read that at Huffpo earlier.

Itā€™s pretty bad.

Does anybody remember the part where he got into this because Obama shamed and humiliated him?

Gosh, Iā€™ll bet long about now Republicans are wishing they had a candidate whoā€™s been under an electron microscope for a quarter century and has been oppoā€™d by Republican and Democratic oppo groups through four elections. As opposed to one who skated to the nomination on softball media coverage and a bunch of chickenshit primary opponents who couldnā€™t go negative on him without enraging the base.


At least he didnā€™t hit on 12 yr old Paris Hilton. Though found her hot.


Aaaaaaaand Stern brings it out again.

Is that audio in an ad yet?


Awwā€¦ Carson thinks heā€™s helping!

ā€œnoā€¦ people shouldnā€™t get mad at trump for this. thereā€™s much worse coming. trump and i talked about it. you should see some of the stuff heā€™s done. woo-eee.ā€
(Caps removed, since Carson canā€™t raise himself to a capital letter level of enthusiasmā€¦)


Speaking of KY has your Senator-the most interesting man in politics according to Time Magazine, has he wade in on this?

Wait a minuteā€¦Carson said something that made sense and I understood it and possibly agreed with him?jā€¦there is something seriously wrong here.


The GOP, Trumpā€™s enablers, Trump and BEN can follow Scalia straight to Hell.


Any of you folks remember the Jimmy Savile saga back in merrie olde England? Huge celebrity DJ and all, as big as they get. Then he died, got a huge celebrity tombstone and all that. And after he died it turned out he was a complete freak and had sexually molested some 450 people, many of them helpless hospital patients. So you know what the family did? They broke up the tombstone and carted it all away. The man lies in a literally unmarked grave, scorned by every decent human who knows the story. This is, or should be, a reminder to those of us above the ground to live with a modicum of circumspection because what goes around comes around. It really does.


Actually, I think he has binders of them.


Doesnā€™t this really say something about how inept the Republican machine has become? The only thing the party proved this cycle is to reinforce that they value love of money over personal accountability and integrity.


As far as we know.

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Carson is a horrid idiot.

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Didnā€™t know that about the tombstone. Righteous.


Trump issued an apology for the offensive, predatory comments in the recording, but has insisted he will never drop out of the race.

So, The Donald Drumpf, you either groped women or you didnā€™t. Apologizing for the language is not the same as apologizing for the groping. If you groped women, then you need to apologize for that. If you didnā€™t, then you are a liar, although a vulgar and despicable one given the nature of the lie. Pick one, TeaRump, because they are the only two choices.


Yes. One thing that really bothers me about this whole episode is that it is a HUGE bulwark against the hit the GOP should have to take for Trumpsterism itself. The voters, they will say, rejected Trump, a sexist lout, not the ā€œprinciplesā€ of the party or True Conservatism itself, which everyone loves and wants to vote for if they just ever once got a chance! ā€œThis is not a mandate for Clinton! Itā€™s a rejection of Trump, who hid his true nature from us until almost too late!ā€ Same template as Iraq: ā€œWeā€ it will turn out, were ā€œallā€ fooled! No oneā€™s responsible, no one coulda imagined, and no, no, no mandate for HRC. Absolutely notā€“thatā€™s crazy talk!


So true. A sign of what poor judgement Trump has (and by extension his kids have as they went along with it) was risking it all in a hopeless run for President. The Trump brand is tarnished beyond repair. The Trumps cozy relationship with Putin/Russians has been exposed. Trump is looking at more time in front of judges on issues no one would have known about had he not run. He is done. He deserves everything he gets and so do the Republicans who ā€œbuiltā€ him.

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