Discussion: ‘Fascist!’ Miller Joins Club Of Trump Aides Protested At Mexican Restaurants

Probably because what goes as Mexican food in the US has nothing to do with Mexico.


They should become personae non grata throughout DC.


If Trump had over 3000 lawsuits before he became President I wonder how many he can rack up since he became President? Please, please some one keep track of this.


Yes! I want the Pro Publica audio tape to be played over and over and over and over.


Given what we’ve heard about how the rage against his actions turns him on, did he rub one out right there at the table or did he at least excuse himself into the restroom?

Why do they keep eating in Mexican restaurants?


Bravo! Beautiful!

We might not be able to do anything about his fascist policies, but we don’t have to like him. In the Trump era, we don’t even need to be courteous to him in public.

Power resides with the people. Welcome to America, Stephen.


I think it would require a dedicated implementation of Watson.

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Ooh, I think I’m going to use that term next time I write something on the WH’s comment line.


Now that made my day!

The fascist in the White House and his fascist troops have their rallies we have ours.

Pay your dues for your infestation of our government with your fascist Waze. Cockroaches she’s only in mostly come only out at night and scree along hiding in the shadow of their shame. Shame on you you fascists. Fascism is not the American way.

Humiliation is a great teaching tool when you’re an adult and should know better if you were a real American, but if you are on American and I have fascist tendencies in my country be ready to pay the price of humiliation.

Life is hard for a boy named Sue.

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If anyone has ever had a punch a Nazi in the face look. It’s this Nazi.

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Real Men welcome the hate of citizens.

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What is it with these people and Mexican restaurants?

Wherever Republicans dine, they should be berated for their inhumanity. They should publicly shamed by all decent people. And Corey Lewandowski should be pelted with dung.

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Someone please introduce this dweeb to Stormy Daniels before he does anymore damage. Then, again, she has her standards.

  1. Many owners of Mexican Restaurants are Catholic.

  2. The US Catholic Bishops, all of them, have condemned Trump Administration immigration practices.

(There is even a small kerfluffle over whether a Catholic employed by the Border Patrol or ICE could incur ecclesiastical penalties for enforcing Trump practices. As it turns out, not the low-level person whose job is at risk, as the threat of force makes it a venal sin, but for the author and immediate accomplices of the practice, are. It could include excommunication. Attention White House Staff!!)

I see a wedge.


You would think they would be terrified that someone would put something in their food.

Special sauce. Coming right up.

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Along with the Southern Baptist Convention and the United Methodist Church. That represents a lot of Americans.


Require miller to wear a Scarlet “A” on his forehead? (“A” for Asshole.)

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