Discussion: DHS' Kelly, Changing Course: Marijuana Is 'A Potentially Dangerous Gateway Drug'

According to Jeff Spicoli, marijuana is a gateway drug to “tasty waves and a cool buzz.”


It stands to reason a Serpent would attack the Tree of Life…


One little-known fact this year is that Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio have benefited from prison lobbyist money. In fact, they’ve taken almost the same amount of contributions from major prison lobbyists. Clinton’s campaign has received $133,246 while Rubio’s campaign accepted $133,450 from the prison lobby.

If Trump would only eat a few brownies instead of tweeting at 3 am…might make for a nicer world.


Can we please stop the ‘gateway drug’ bullshit? I have consumed plenty of MJ, but I have never used heroin, cocaine, meth or any other so-called hard drugs. Likewise, I dropped my Nancy Reagan-incuded opposition to MJ use when I went to college and observed that most of the smartest people I had ever met smoked pot every day - I can’t think of a one of them who became a hard drugs user. As for myself, I have an undergrad degree in chemistry, a PhD in biochemistry, a law degree, and I am a practicing lawyer. Some gateway, eh?


Well, that explains it. :wink: (My father was a lawyer.)


Clinton was calling for the end of them, as Obama was late in his terms.

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If the above image is correct, you’re mired in degradation and insanity, only you’re not aware of it, which merely proves you’re lost in the Smoke of Hell™!

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You’re right but she only called for an end to them after it was found out she was taking their checks.

I’ve been in the gateway for over 46 years. Some things never change.


I don’t know where they find the people who claim Kelly is one of Trump’s better appointments. That’s what I’ve been hearing from blowhard pundits and reporters since the beginning. Frankly, I find him insufferable…from his moments down on the border explaining away why he can’t offer any compassion to DACA immigrants or even those who have no criminal record who’ve been living here for decades…to this piece of mealy-mouthed bullshit about pot. This is a complete reversal from what I read he said 5 minutes ago, and a decision he expressed only 24 hours in advance of this newest epiphany.

The guy lacks almost all kinds of integrity at his job. He’s a fucking agency apparatchik and an undiscerning bureaucrat. He seems to take no effort at looking at how policy affects an even bigger picture affecting people’s lives. Nor does he seem to care or argue in favor of reality. So fuck him.

If he disagrees with this administration…as a military guy, he should tender his resignation and at least leave with some of his dignity intact. If he’s willing to be a happy little soldier, ready to just follow orders, than don’t offer your fucking opinions until you’ve been told what to say and how to say it. And be prepared to be mocked mercilessly for your obsequiousness to evil, no matter who just handed it down to you. At least be consistently mindless instead of presuming you are in charge of your own fucking agency…because everyone knows you’re just a cog in the Trump machinery of extremism run amok. I believe people like Kelly must love it, or they wouldn’t have agreed to be in those positions to begin with.


Another clueless moron.


“And let me be clear about marijuana. It is a potentially dangerous gateway drug that frequently leads to the use of harder drugs,”

Someone needs to ask him to cite factual evidence that marijuana leads to the use of harder drugs. Being in middle or high school leads to the use of harder drugs. Having an increased income leads to the user of harder drugs. Being a low income rust belt Trump supporter likely has lead to the use of harder drugs. He needs to support his argument with clear evidence or he needs to publicly retract it.


Must have been smoking ditch weed… /s


Of course, everybody knows that one puff and you are hooked for life…right? /s


“Now excuse me while I finish my work…I see its approaching the cocktail hour, and I’m ready to kick off soon so I can get an early start on my evening…”


Kelly is obviously unqualified for the position and extremely ignorant of marijuana.


Trump has been clear about wanting to “punish” California for some time now. Kicking the growing marijuana industry in the teeth is one way to do it – though I understand from the NY Times this weekend (sorry, no cite) that big-ag businesses are lining up to make huge profits off of the industry once it gets more established.


Years ago, working onsite for a Fortune 500 client, I observed a sign that read:

“We Are Proud To Be A Drug-Free Workplace!”

It was above the coffee maker.

Next to the candy jar.

In the smoking lounge.


Cheetos too.

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