Discussion: Dem Senators Slam Zinke Over ‘Konnichiwa’ Remark: ‘Racism Is Not Ok’

Except her language is English and she is an American


There’s something to that. Some young smartypants, either Jim Newell or Alex Pareene, said the whole Trump phenomenon was a primal scream of every man who’s been called into Human Resources and told not to call his female coworkers “sweetheart.” Old-school regular folks don’t understand how such things sound to the people they’re directed at because often it’s not motivated, in their minds, by overt hostility. Much of the time it’s more ingrained, or it’s an awkward attempt to reach out. This administration has plenty of overt racism you can target and not create as much pushback from people who are arguably more unsophisticated than outright racist.


Heavens knows what he would have said if Cory Booker was questioning him.

And my fave-rave Maggie the H. (that’s her rap name, dontcha know) was on with Chris Cuomo, who was criticizing Sarah Sanders and Kellyanne Conway about constantly lying for Trump and constantly being caught in these lies, and defender of truth and journalistic integrity Magster said that Sarah and Kellyanne were being treated unfairly and in a sexist manner as opposed to the men in the administration who lied.
Really, Maggie?
So where’s Sean Spicer? How come he doesn’t have a job anymore as official press liar?
And what about charming pit viper Anthony Scaramucci?
This administration may be more sexist than any other in recent history, but it sure as hell hasn’t done anything to rein in Sarah and Kellyanne. And don’t give me that fucking excuse about just doing their job. When you lie and are caught in a lie and still lie about it, you shouldn’t be defended with that lame excuse, Maggie:


The Dear Leader loves the Royal Flag Habit attitude.


While I do think sometimes the reaction to obvious racism is tiring to see/hear, I’m not sure I’m comfortable with the idea or suggestion of ignoring it altogether. What one may think of as screaming at every damn thing and it being trite, another may actually feel it is important to discuss. And who’s to say when racism really happens? Is there a yardstick? Who decides?


She’s not Japanese, she is American. It’s like if he just assumed I speak German because my great-grandmother was from Germany.


Or that Zinke didn’t ask “where she was from. No, I mean where are you really from?”
[Edit: explanation of above: Asian-Americans get asked this all the time in the USA.]

I am sure Zinke thought he was being cute, but it is obvious, just like this administration, that he sees race first, Americans not so much.

Besides, why did he assume Hanabusa speaks Japanese?


Figures he works for Donnie Little Big Horn.


Just watch the video in my link, it may sink in what he was trying to do. Zinke knows she is fluent in Japanese, there was nothing racist about it.

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The child sex trade is supposedly a multi-billion dollar industry. Just because those monsters believe it’s OK doesn’t mean the rest of us have to accept it.


I have a very dear Japanese American friend whose parents were sent to the camps. He is offended by Zinke’s remarks, deeply, because not only was it slightly condescending and patronizing, but also because the topic of discussion was a very somber one to the Japanese American community. I don’t think it’s for anyone to tell anyone what they should find offensive if they have not walked in their shoes. Lecture over.


God what an asshole! Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezuz!


A white friend created a FB post earlier this week in which he asked folks to name “Things white people like”. It was hilarious. There were over 2,000 responses and probably 95% of the respondents are white. But the thing everyone seemed to be in most agreement was this one: Telling minorities what is or isn’t racist and how they should perceive it. It’s a serious problem, y’all, on both the right and the left. Just stop it.

Over the years, I’ve heard again and again from people of Asian descent that they are constantly assumed to be not fully American. They’re constantly asked where they’re from. The inference is clear, that you can’t REALLY be as American as apple pie and have black or brown skin. It’s not that much different from the assumption that black people can’t really afford such and such. In many ways it’s akin to birtherism. It’s the suggestion that everyone not obviously white can’t possibly be fully American, that they’re foreign. And let’s not pretend that foreign is in any way a compliment in America.


I hate Zinke but this is a big fat non-story and pushing narratives like this is why Democrats lose elections


Yes well, we white people have a propensity to try to tell everyone everything and it is very generally obnoxious and very specifically racist.

And I’m really sorry.


Of course. Gambling, drug abuse and prostitution have been part of the human condition for thousands of years. All three of them. Thousands of years. It is admirable to try and blunt the effect they all have on their victims. It’s also a worthy goal to minimize the number of people engaging in them. But I think everyone sets themselves up for a great deal of disappointment and unnecessary banging of their heads against the wall when they approach the issues thinking they’re going to end the conditions, or even severely reduce them. Prohibition failed. People are always going to screw. And you can’t confiscate every deck of cards and dice on the planet.
As for kids getting sucked up in any of them, sure, it’s a tragedy. I think my cure for that works best. I truly wish humans would just quit having kids. For at least 3 generations. That would fix everything, for awhile.

You actually think she’s Japanese?

My grandparents came here from Russia. Should I be flattered when people say good morning to me in Russian?


You’re not alone in that opinion. Here’s mine (posted earlier):

I think his greeting was a slightly clumsy attempt to be respectful of her ancestors, who (as she had pointed out in her question) got no respect even from the likes of FDR.

And far more important, his substantive response to her inquiry was not only respectful, it was helpful.


You don’t own any responsibility for others’ cluelessness. But it would be nice if more white folks would acknowledge a thing is problematic, that they don’t get it, and move on instead of explaining why it isn’t racism or blaming those on the receiving end for speaking out about it. There’s plenty of examples of that here in this thread.


I know I don’t but I can’t help but cringe.

We’re terrible about this and I know it.

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