Discussion: Biden On Trump Taco Bowl Tweet: 'He's A Smarter Guy Than This'

Heā€™s a smarter guy than thisā€¦

No, Joe, I donā€™t think he is.

Trump thinks heā€™s competing for the title of Miss Universe - itā€™s just an elaborate game show. And Iā€™m fairly certain that Trump thinks that the Presidency is largely ceremonial, consisting of riding around in limoā€™s and making personal appearances. He thinks heā€™s trying to become the Queen of England.


Whatā€™s ā€œsmarterā€ got to do with it? He lives at Trump Tower and doesnā€™t know better.

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Sorry, Joe, but I think you are being far too kind.


Whoa, Joe. I thought you were smarter than this.


This will infuriate the Trumpster.

Funny thing is, heā€™s NOT a smarter guy than that.

Edit: This is the equivalent to the southern ā€œBless his little heart.ā€


I know that some kind of tenth degree black belt trolling has to be occurring here, but Iā€™m not quite smart enough to understand it.


ā€œHeā€™s a smarter guy than this"

Apparently NOT, Joe.


As everyone else points out, Biden is assuming facts not in evidence. As far as the taco bowl thing specifically goes, a surprising number of smart people seem to think it was Trump trolling liberals to fire up his voters. I canā€™t see it.

Dudeā€™s been running for President for a year now and on day one he said that Mexican immigrants were rapists. His voters are already his voters. The GOP is being forced to accept him now and the systematic advantages of being one of the two major-party nominees are just starting to roll in. The press has every incentive to normalize his overt racism, misogyny, and economic, political, and military ignorance. The idea that heā€™s switching to snarky dog-whistle racism now just runs counter to everything else Iā€™ve seen.

Besides which, yeah, he seems completely ignorant and disinterested in learning.


ā€œI hope he reaches the point where heā€¦begins to talk in earnest about where he would take the country.ā€

Thatā€™s just cruel, Joe.


Just sounds like your everyday left-handed compliment to me. But do yourselves a favor and check out Reince P.'s body language when asked about lā€™affaire taco bowl. He sags like a snowman in the sun, wonā€™t look Mike Allen in the eye, and generally acts like a beaten dog. Warning: you may feel a twinge of pity. Or not; you guys are tough. : )



It is our country. We ought to demand better from our news media.


This is off topic, but I had share this on a live thread ā€¦ Liberal Redneck destroys Ted Cruz for getting beat by ā€˜carny-handed mango manā€™ Trump


I think this is a calculated move on Joe Bidenā€™s part. He knows how to provoke Trump in an adult way. Stand back ā€“ I bet before Monday afternoon, weā€™ll be getting a Tweet from a particular orange man, admonishing Biden on just how awesomely smart Trump really is and that Americans should only be so lucky to have Trump as their President.



Wow, donā€™t hold back, Joe, lest anyone suspect youā€™ll be cheering him on on the sidelines when he debates Hillary.

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ā€œHeā€™s a smarter guy than thisā€¦" No, no, no heā€™s not. Heā€™s dumber than sh!t and heā€™s had enough money stashed away to live a life that might indicate that he has some effing brains, but he doesnā€™t. And saying heā€™s smarter than what every aspect of his behaviour puts the lie to, just perpetuates the b.s. that this is some kind of act. Not only is Trump Not Smart, heā€™s got serious mental problems.

Sorry Joe, no points for this one.

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Not. I think Reince should have, by now, realized what a Demon Ball Licker job heā€™s got ā€“ and if he had any brains, heā€™d have left sometime ago. Orā€“and maybe this is really itā€“Reince likes licking Demon balls. Just sayinā€™.


Hmmm, possible debate line: ā€œDonald, youā€™re better than this ā€¦ arenā€™t you?ā€

Nah, I still prefer Sen. Warrenā€™s instant classic: #WeakDonaldTrump.


Just drawing a little weak fire.

whether we continue the direction we are on and moving forward or are we making a significant change

ā€¦and go backwards. Canā€™t leave that unsaid Joe.

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