Discussion: Biden On Trump Taco Bowl Tweet: 'He's A Smarter Guy Than This'

For all the folks who thought Biden would have been a better candidate than Hillary…no, no he wouldn’t. He tries to come across as too reasonable and nice. He doesn’t seem to realize that you have to treat the modern Republican party, especially when its nominee is Trump, like vermin and stomp on them hard.


With the greatest respect, Vice President Biden?

Trump is very smart and knows exactly what he’s doing. Your concern should be directed at the media who has brought Trump to this point.

You should also face up to the fact that he’s doing what he’s doing because a whole bunch of voters like it.

We live in ugly times.

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Joe, we’ve got pundits and think tanks and a whole Congress who can debate the issues. Donald Trump isn’t going to add any useful insights. Stop suggesting he can.

Maybe. Probably shouldn’t underestimate the one candidate in 2008 who extinguished Rudy Guliani’s hopes with a single sentence.


Well, it is the most substantive subject that Trump has gone deep on so far.

Hispanics will surely immigrate towards El Trumpo now, haha.

Ok. I subscribed to his YouTube channel. That guy rocks.


“How gay a cake needs to be before we need a prayer circle”…SCREAMiNG.


Regarding his lame tweet, Trump insists that “People loved it” – i.e., his wife and kids thought it was great!
Of course, Trump has made a career of producing bullsh*t and claiming it’s bullion.

as a Californio I can actually make REALLY good tacos… ask for recipes if you like… but

I’m surprised he wasn’t at Jack in the Box for Jack tacos… 2/$.99… you know… because New Yawk values…

I have to say, tho… at 1:00A after a night of drinking a bag of Jack Tacos and and LARGE fries is Da Bomb… but I’m pretty sure it’s not on Donnie Dimwit’s radar…

I’m pretty sure Trump doesn’t have any idea.

I’m also sure the dark forces behind him know exactly what they want — access to the US Treasury, and the best insider information on the planet.


Priebus gets paid to be Baghdad Bob for the next 6 months. An inglorious fate, sure.
But he’s actually being paid to put a ‘happy face’ on the Trump nomination/candidacy–
and he just can’t seem to bring himself to do it.

Baghdad Bob woulda’ been shot for turning in that performance.
Reince? He’ll keep getting paid.
America. What a great country.



Too Many Kooks Spoil The Taco Bowl
(if you can get that GIF to work, it’s both hypnotic and hilarious)

Jinx-- you may have sent Trae Crowder a whole new audience.



Cover your eyes if you’re prone to the vapors but

Fuck Reince! He may have a thankless job trying to find some sanity in that fucked up party he inherited but he took the job and has had no qualms lying about the Dems every chance he’s gotten.

I did have a touch of sympathy for Michael Steele because there were times when he looked physically pained when trying to defend some idiot in his party, plus I think he knew he was only there as a “see? we’re not really racist!” token…

I reserve the most disdain for Ken Mehlman, the gay gay-basher who said nothing when Rove pushed the anti-marriage equality bills in 2004 to get the FundiGelicals back out to the polls and didn’t have the courage to come out of the closet until after he’d resigned.


oh, that was AWESOME! thanks so much for sharing Liberal Redneck with us!


Somewhere, iPad-in-hand, Michael Steele watches that interview–
snickering, knocking back another Corona.
Steele has found his beach.



The irony of course is that it was Ken Mehlman who went to the NAACP in 2005 to apologize on behalf of the GOP for the Southern Strategy. Yet morons like 1988ranger and other “conservative” Republican denialists still claim that they are the party of Lincoln on civil rights, while willfully ignoring the major realignment of the parties over the issue(s) during the civil-rights era.


This was his demeanor at the hearings for Thomas, and Joe did Anita Hill no favors by adopting this stance. He gave speeches instead of asking probing questions of Thomas. He had it in his power to cast Thomas in an unfavorable light and support Hill who in many ways was hung out to dry by the nice guy stance while the Rs on the committee viciously went after her. BTW my opinion is based on having watched the hearing in real time, not the recent squishy spineless HBO movie.


No worries. I’m pretty comfortable with strong language. Especially in reference to GOP fucks but also with really just about anything. Every try to get one of those little spring-loaded tubey horrors to go where it should when you’re replacing a watch band? Sheeyitttt…

P.S. I have no particular tears to shed for Reince, don’t get me wrong. But I know people have to have a bit of pride or spend a lot, a whole lot, of psychic energy explaining to themselves why they need to go without. That man was ashamed of himself. He could have said “Fuck you all, this is bullshit” and walked away with his head up. He’d never have missed a meal. But he didn’t. And it shows. So yeah, fuck him, but he’s paying for that money and position, don’t think he’s not. There’s not enough money in the world to make a person with self-respect crawl like that.


I’d say this is my personal favorite.

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