Discussion: Apprentice Transcript Hidden In Plain View: Trump Critiques Woman's Skin

I thought The Apprentice will be led by Arnold Schwarzenegger, come January 2017.

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I assume you mean this candidacy-- cuz’ the sh^tshow The Apprentice continues in January
( beginning 5 days before Inauguration Day)!




Mark Burnett Pursuing Vladimir Putin as Next Reality TV Star


I’m wondering about the actual women who were offended by Trump’s voyeurism and grabbiness coming forward. The identity of every contestant on any show associated with Trump is public information. Surely a nation-wide organization, with a few hundred million dollars in revenue, and doing millions or phone call and door-knocks anyway can canvass a lot of these people. A few rich donors could offer to cover all legal expenses and penalties (if any). That would be a much more effective way to spend money than some more TV ads.

And so the implosion and dismanteling begin…drip, drip, drip…

And remember, it was so loooooooooooooooog’ ago, months and months, and uhhhhh…it was just locker room talk…uhhhhhh…and …and …and

I said this morning, it was the perfect time to drop another bombshell, and I have a notion there are “baskets full” of em!

Oh…the schadenfreude! ___ I’m feeling it!

Carson promised us more. I don’t agree with much of what he says but I could easily see him letting something slip out he wasn’t supposed to.


And a non-disclosure agreement.


Trump so lovely hisownself, he bigly qualified to criticize others.


I dare say that it is worth covering someone’s legal fees to get at that treasure trove…


Emily West! THAT Emily West who sings the blues and old standards in such a wonderful way? Donald needs to have his balls rearranged big time. I hope Cindy kneed him right then and there. If Melania ever decides to take a knife to him, I’d acquit her on a jury.

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Many things in life will turn your stomach: sour milk, seeing how hot dogs are made, etc. And now we can add- being a witness to the background life of Donald Trump.
Off now for another bottle of Tums


Oh dear god. Seriously?

Jesus, what a career disaster. If there’s one human being on the face of the Earth Schwarzenegger, of all people, doesn’t need to have his brand connected with, its Trump.


He should prove it by lifting the NDAs.


Slightly OT…but, it just came to me. I knew I had seen the scene last night at the debate played out somewhere.


Apprentice Transcript Hidden In Plain View: Trump Critiques Woman’s Skin

Trumpkin’ says what???



If you want to work in TV, you don’t cross Burnett. Sad to say, but the guy can make sure you never work again.

If you don’t like it, stop watching his crap.

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AND: Fingers crossed that Mark Cuban can make THIS happen:

Television producer Chris Nee has claimed on Twitter that, according to producers who worked on The Apprentice, footage exists of Donald Trump using America’s most explosive racial slur.

I don’t have the tapes. I’ve signed a Burnett contract & know leak fee is 5 mill. Hearing from producers/crew N word is the “much worse”.— Chris Nee (@chrisdocnee) October 9, 2016

The “5 mill” is a reference to a clause in Apprentice employees’ contract that apparently imposes a $5 million dollar fee in the event of any leak of a show tape.

Nee is trying to get the attention of Mark Cuban, a passionate Trump hater, in hopes that he could cover that expense for anyone who can produce the tapes.

FollowChris Nee :heavy_check_mark:@chrisdocnee@mcuban the price is 5 million to cover the penalty fee. And we all get to hear him use the N word from what I hearhttps://twitter.com/billpruitt/status/784872190587998209 …12:35 PM - 9 Oct 2016
1,7241,724 Retweets 1,6141,614 likes

Mark Cuban – offer to pay the legal fees and fines of anyone who produces the hot mic tapes from #TheApprentice— Chris Nee (@chrisdocnee) October 8, 2016

C’mon Mark Cuban. Sink him. $5 million to Cuban is chump change…or, here, Trump Chump change. Do it!


If one of the women on Faux News figured out that you must always have your cell phone on to record, I imagine a few of the women contestants on The Apprentice did it on a regular basis.


Here’s the video!!!

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I suspect that Secretary Clinton might differ with you on that.

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