Discussion: Allen West: 'Black Activists' Shouldn't Play 'Victim' After SC Shooting

Wasn’t he the inspiration for the Samuel L. Jackson character in Django?

I don’t mean to split hairs here, but when one of the arms of the justice system; i.e., the police, murder a defenseless man in cold blood, I can’t say the judicial system worked all that well.


Unfortunately, West is a living example of the fact that willful stupidity is an equal-opportunity character trait.

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Slager hasn’t been convicted yet…

That his lawyer dumped him is encouraging…

Just waiting for some celeb lawyer to represent the Slager.

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Picky, picky, picky.


A member of the “justice system” exacted the death penalty for a fix-it ticket. That does not seem like it “worked” to me.


It is a technicality, I’ll grant you.

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There has been no conviction of any crime as of yet! Maybe we should hold judgment about how well the Justice System worked.

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Oh, I don’t think they are anything alike. Cain was a true entertainer! He really made me laugh. He was harmless.

West is all pure negative energy, and he allows the TeaBaggers to say, “I’m not a racist…I have a black friend.”

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As I read through West’s statement, I began to formulate responses to the specific claims, but by the time I got to the end I realized that the only proper response is to point out that West is a total fucking lunatic.


It’s a bit premature to say the justice system worked.
The perp could still be acquitted at trial.


Or the grand jury could fail to indict him on any charges, which would mean no trial.

There is no need for …rhetorical signage of ‘black lives matter.’"

Really! …'cause Officer Slager, doesn’t appear to have gotten that message.


You have no clue what the black community should do or what they need. This is what an Uncle Tom, Right Wing, idiot stooge looks like when trolling anyone on the Far Right for money.


If the justice system had worked the second police officer on the scene would have noted the shooter planted the taser next to the victim in her presence. The police would have found blood yards from where the victim fell dead. The medical examiner would have realized the victim was shot 5 times in the back from a distance. The police would have challenged the shooter’s story that the shooting happened during the struggle. Good police work could have lead to a case against the shooter. Good police work was the farthest thing from the minds of the police investigators in this case. They are probably pissed as hell that the video came to light.


Oh shit we’ve all been deputized! We are now part of the system! Cool.
Without a random person recording that crime we wouldnt be talking about this.

Fuck West and his flattop.


My name is random black guy and I approve this message.

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Which statement do you agree with? That there is no need for police depts to reexamine their training? That any discussion by the media or democratic policymakers is really only inappropriate activism? That justice has been served when we haven’t even had the trial yet?

Sorry, that may be piling on, and if your main point is that he at least isn’t trying to defend the cop, I wholeheartedly agree. It’s just that, as usual when a RWNJ displays one sentiment I generally support, it’s followed overwhelmingly by total BS.

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Thank you for these excellent points.

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Damn You Sniffit. That’s an hour I’ll never get back.

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