‘You’re Running Away From Your Argument’: Liberal Justices Expose Grim Farce In Domestic Violence Gun Case

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court debated a question so blindingly obvious to a reasonable person that it reveals how extreme its Second Amendment jurisprudence has become: Can the government take guns away from domestic abusers? 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1473412

Iam sure they would be fine with a person threating to shoot one of them to keep a arsenal of weapons?


These gun humpers make me sick. Living as close as I do to Lewiston, the specter of gun violence is inescapable.


Perhaps we’ve finally reached a bridge too far for SCOTUS.


There are 400 million guns in this country. Barring certain classes of people from owning them is but a small impediment to them getting one if they truly want to do harm. You might as well propose removing Lil’ Timmy’s piss from the pool.


Or, perhaps, we’ll learn that it’s not only Thomas and Alito who are utterly without shame.


Meanwhile, the conservative justices spent the arguments pondering who, exactly, counts as a “dangerous” or “irresponsible” person, seemingly to avoid handing down a decision that prohibits too many people from having guns.

I can name five.


That this case made it all the way to the Supreme Court tells you just how stupid some members of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals are. Anyone with a brain would tell you the risk to women far out weighs any harm to any abuser. If the SOB didn’t want to lose his guns he might have tried not abusing his spouse.

My guess is when Leo Leonard is consulted he will come down full square on the side of the male abusers.

The argument that the Constitution was fixed in the 18th and 19th centuries is so absurd as to not deserve comment, but it is the doctrine to which the current majority holds.


Sez it all “Justice Samuel Alito, too, seemed most perturbed not with the danger to the mostly women in these situations, but by the idea that the mostly men accused of domestic violence could have their firearms confiscated too hastily…” Men > Women.


It’s incomprehensible that this case ever reached the Supreme Court. The fact that they are even considering this shows how far into chaos we’ve descended.


Originalism as a concept is - excuse me - prima facie bullshit. We can no more rely on our sense of the meaning of the words written then than we can rely on an understanding of the context wherein they were presented.

It is and has always been just a reason to ‘look again’ at the words of the Founding Fathers and find a new outcome. We can only rely on the history of the understanding of those words; long written, long studied, and on which precedent the present law is applied.

This is a bad faith philosophy founded by a religious cult that has captured the Supreme Court. Admit anything less and you wait the day your neighbor calls the police to have you taken away for lack of religiosity.


As someone who works in the field I can tell you that counselors give great weight to the risk from firearms in assessing lethality when looking at domestic violence cases. And my agency reviews every unfortunate case of perpetrator recidivism where the victim ends up murdered. The scrutiny the treatment team receives, and especially the assessing counselor, is fierce and unapologetic. As it should be. How on earth some of these individuals on the SC can’t seem to get the basic gist of this escapes me.


They were chosen 35 years ago based on their willingness to believe otherwise. That’s how old money works.



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Let me stipulate that I am not a lawyer: The notion that an accused domestic abuser can have a court issue a restraining order against him/her to protect the abused person, those orders which being difficult or impossible to enforce, and then have that person keep a firearm is grotesque. An overwhelming majority of Americans favor some form of gun control. The legitimacy of the U.S. Supreme Court is on the line AGAIN!


Extreme SCOTUS conservatives handed the Democrats the abortion issue. Will they do the same with guns for all?
Women! Both issues, abortion and gun safety, have women’s health, safety and freedom at the center.


It’s effing depressing.


Like x 1 million. Because you’re absolutely right.


You ban lil Timmy from the pool. What is wrong with you?


It’s an interesting dynamic because they have to know that their belief system only works in absolutes. The wheels fall off when you start trying to apply it to real world scenarios and i don’t know, govern/legislate/acknowledge that the year is 2023.