WY GOPers Consider Making Cheney’s Re-Election More Difficult After Censure | Talking Points Memo

Jim Jordan proclaims a fatwah on Major Biden.

BTW. The nip didn’t break the skin. Major pulled his punch.


Typical that Jordan would abuse a dog


Another day, another subpoena. Must be hell to be the former guy.


Hey at least they lie when they’re trying to screw over their own too!

Don Sr and Don Jr are holed up in trump tower in NYC likely at each other’s throats…yelling… demanding things get faked and then believed dammit!! I supposed they’re cooking a set of books in the hope their lies will be believed.


With beer.

Pretty simple really… White Paternalism.

I’m a pink/white male btw.

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The bill was sponsored and written by state senator Bo Biteman. Sounds like a character out of a Will Farrell film though he might be doing the work of Beavis and Butthead lookalike and Wyoming troll Matt Gaetz.

Bo Biteman: We’re a major one-party state

They must be so proud… I drove thru WY on my way back east, so I have no reason to EVER go there again. When you elect legislators who sing about being one-party there is something amiss.


I never associated having standards with the name Cheney before. Just money and power. Sure feels like end times. For the Republican party and if not them, then the country.

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And for the funny for today
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell Urges Election ‘Criminals’ to Surrender to Him for Less Prison Time (newsweek.com)


Major one-party state, huh?

WY is 50th among the states and DC. Only VT is lower on the GDP list. WY has a little over 1% of CA’s GDP. That economy (such as it is) is based on coal, oil, and gas extraction. Even MT is a third higher. Hell, PR’s GDP is about 2.5 times WYs.

WY is 51st among the states and DC in population. Even PR has a higher population.

WY is a state because the GOP needed Senators in the last half of the 19th C.

Major state my ass. And he says, “single-party state” like that’s a good thing…

It’s time to either add a few stars to the flag (starting with DC and PR), or have some of these extractive economies (WY, ND, SD, MT, AK) revert to Territorial status.


The red-backed books are for the banks. The blue-backed books are for the government. Never, ever, show anyone the black-backed books.

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Honest to God. Republicans go FULL AUTHORITARIAN and are OUTRAGED DAMMIT by the comparisons to the Nazis. How clueless, ignorant and ridiculous are they???

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So worst case is they replace her with a freshman Rfer with no established power in the House and make themselves weaker. Works for me.


Millions of women in Texas vote GOP in every election. One might assign at least some responsibility to them, huh?

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Imagine the misogyny Cheney’s opponents will spew during the primary - because that’s as integral to the existence of trump’s worshippers as breathing.

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The Borg are very consistent.

The problem being that the DOJ will have trump’s tax filings as well as bank records. Any attempt to rewrite the books at the trump organization now would be seen as evidence of a continuing coverup of illegal activities.

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