They’re obviously not smoking it. No one who is high as enough energy to spew that much hate.
Yeah. No mellow at all in that crew…
You sure about that? It sounds as if you’re basing your conjecture on a gross stereotype.
Perhaps colored by personal experience. Now help me get off this couch or endure my impersonations.
Who would ever have thought that retaliation and the threat thereof go together with sexual harassment? Weird, huh?
Guess I spoke too soon.
Anyone else read it differently?
This article provides no evidence of intimidation.
It is a fact that none of these women, based on this article made a formal complaint of sexual harassment.
That makes it difficult to discern whether any of them felt it was sexual harassment when what they are alleging was sexual harassment occurred… Employment law today has process in place to ensure woman need not endure “hostile” work environment.
Many voices establish the accused pattern of behavior. Yet begs question of why no formal complaints given a well-established based on multiple voices.
IOWs, if you are harassed and don’t formally complain how can it be addressed?
Had they done so perhaps the situation would have changed.
As it stands?
Silence is complicity/acceptance?
When anyone is offensive to me. I say so. If it is a “hostile” work environment? I file a complaint and allow employer to remedy it or seek other employer.
How is marijuana overdose defined? What happens? What are symptoms. Is there a lethal dose? What is it?
Is the schedule I-IV of a drug based on lethality or abuse potential/addictiveness? I believe it’s the later, which means deaths are not a criteria for the schedules of drugs and you could be making false equivalence.
From NYT article:
She froze when he started doing that stuff to her,” Ms. McGrath said, adding, “But who are you going to tell?”
How is McGrath, at 33 years of age, asking this? This is age of #metoo.
Women are not fully aware sexual harassment is NOT tolerated in workplace?
How does she NOT know to go HR?
I think Bennett made a verbal complaint. Nothing was done because there was no contact or actual harassment outside of a conversation that could be construed as “grooming”.
But as for this latest complaint, I’m a little suspicious of her accusations. Timing mostly.
I think it was Boylan who made a harassment claim back in December via social media. Then the media picked up on it nationally on February 24th. As expected, more came forward within the next week or so. But this latest claim appears to have taken way too long. Being as it involved two women I wonder if it has to do with getting coordinated with their versions before venturing an accusation. Three weeks ago is when they should have remembered these incidents and come forward. Just seems odd they would wait this long. And again, no complaint was made at the time.
The only one who made any complaint to superiors was Bennett. Fairly or not, I think they pegged her as overly sensitive due to being a prior rape victim and treated it as a misunderstanding or grooming incident. She was close enough to Cuomo to pose for a picture with him in an outside setting. They both looked pretty comfortable with each other in the photo
And in this one also.
Maybe Cuomo read her wrong and went on a verbal fishing expedition. As her boss, that’s a big no no. He should’ve known better. But is it reason enough for him to resign as gov? I don’t think so. And the majority of his voters don’t either.
And yet what got Al Franken pushed out was alleged relatively low-level sexual harassment when I’m about 99% sure he’s smoked weed and I bet there is a good chance he’s dropped acid as well.
The United States has some odd takes on things and applies wildly different standards to different levels of the population.
Any bridge closings yet?
In a Venn diagram there is a sliver of over lap between Maga and 420
When you run out?
Thai stickin’ it to the man!
Because he’s governor? Because she didn’t want to be blamed?
That does not sound plausible for a 33 year old attractive woman who more than likely has been fending of male sexual advancements since she was a teen.
What I found even more incredible was that she said at end of article she was not certain what was occurring when it was happening?!
Perhaps, if she were 14 even 18 that would be believable but at 33 she does not know when she is being sexually harasssed until her & her co-worker decide together that they have been sexually harassed?
From NYT article:
Her and I discussed this after the fact and now we’re like, ‘How did we not see this?’” Ms. McGrath said, still bewildered by her interactions with Mr. Cuomo.
Funny you should ask about that!
I’m particularly enamored of this line:
Given limited resources, New York state decided that Rockland County’s proximity to a mass vaccination site in Westchester County made it a lower priority for a mass vaccination site than other regions further north “to provide greater geographic reach across the region,” according to Sterne.
It would appear that these people are unfamiliar with something called the Hudson River. Ironic that the only way to get from Rockland to Westchester involves something called the Mario Cuomo Bridge.