Originally published at: With Trump Pardons, The Jan. 6 Coup Attempt Is Finally Complete
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version. As Dark Day In one of his first acts of his second term, Donald Trump granted sweeping pardons to nearly all of the convicted Jan. 6 rioters and instigators and commuted the sentences of 14…
I hope that Trump supporters get every single thing they voted for.
Yesterday I was a little numb. The dawning of today’s Morning Memo is sobering, filling me with anger and dread.
Trump signs an executive order denying citizenship rights to native born Americans. Organizations immediately sue, contending his action is illegal and unconstitutional. A wholly expected response to Trump. But I have to wonder, why in the hell is it required anyone sue to stop Trump on this issue? Let’s say Trump has signed an order decreeing women could no longer vote. The plain language of the 19th Amendment grants them that right. Would women have to file suit and litigate their right to vote if Trump issued an executive order saying they couldn’t? What if Trump issued an executive order saying it was legal to enslave black people again? And some farmer in Alabama rounded up a few black people and told them they were now slaves? Would those people have to sue the government, and go to trial and hope someone overruled Trump, and freed them? The language of the 13th Amendment is plain, why would it ever get that far?
Yet people have to sue Trump to stop his executive order on birthright citizenship. I guess I’m questioning where’s the line? The 13th and 19th Amendments are clear, and no President is stripping women of the vote, or reinstituting slavery. It is said the language of the 14th Amendment is similarly clear. Why in the hell is it even necessary to go to court to stop Trump on this? The very fact it needs done means, in my mind, that essentially the language of none of our Amendments is clear. A President can issue any stupid executive order he pleases, and despite black letter law you have to spend millions on lawyers to have their idiocy rescinded. WTF?
Also, if this gets to SCOTUS the government will send lawyers to SCOTUS to defend Trump’s actions. They will earnestly argue his position. But think about it, if Trump stripped women of the franchise, or reintroduced slavery, lawyers would enter the courts and defend that, too. Lawyers would be found to willingly, if not enthusiastically, argue Trump’s position. Because that’s their job. Some MAGA cultist lawyer would argue for slavery. Because Trump signed an executive order, and evidently no matter how illegal the intention of the order, it must be litigated. If no one can preemptively say birthright citizenship exists without having to prove it in court, wouldn’t the same hold true for any other Constitutional right Trump decrees null and void? It seems the Constitution itself doesn’t guarantee us a damned thing. The only guaranteed right you have is to sue to have the plain language of the Constitution enforced. Our founding principles give you nothing unless you have the means and the allies to litigate them. Plain language is meaningless. It’s just a starting point for everyone to start shoveling tons of money to lawyers.
Sieg Heil. I saw this yesterday and immediately thought the same. But then I had a look at the video, and IMO this is most definitely a Hail Caesar not a Sieg Heil. There is no doubt in my mind that it is supposed to get everyone up in arms about Nazis and their sympathizers, but I think if the right person condemns this and the media blasts it out, we will then see them telling everyone they should look at the video, and most will agree that this was Hail Caesar. I do not thing Musk was anything but the tool this is way to clever for him. I assume it was at Stephen Millers direction that the stunt was done.
“The Pentagon on Monday removed a portrait of Gen. Mark A. Milley, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, from a corridor of the building filled with paintings of all of his predecessors.”–NYT
Now that’s some serious attention to detail. He must have a chief of staff in charge of petty whiny bullshit.
It is a dark fucking day when the ADL apologizes for a Nazi performing a Nazi salute.
It is a dark fucking day when violent revolution is supported at the highest levels of government.
It’s just a dark fucking day.
Damn. You are so right. Handmaid’s Tale here we come .
Get ready, liBtards. Making America great!
I mean, she’s not wrong…
It’s a big fat marker. ’The question is,’ said Alice, ‘whether you can make words mean so many different things.’
’The question is,’ said Humpty Dumpty, ‘which is to be master — that’s all.”
Assuming you have the money to pay the lawyers? Yes?
Speak for yourself, we’ve been Great since yesterday. America is Back!
Damn Democrats, following the law instead of doing what’s needed. /s
Just got back from watching random street shootings on Xchan in between Nazi posts, what now?
I figured out how big insurance is going to pay for everyone’s burnt down home. My Fake Book is full of annuity ads this morning. Day two.
I took a news break yesterday - did I miss anything?