With The Filibuster Still A Problem, Dems Hope To At Least Get 50 Votes For Ballot Access Bill | Talking Points Memo


I have no doubt that Manchin is looking out for the interests of West Virginia, but a) he’ll be 77 in 2014, and b) he would be highly likely to lose that race, and c) he most likely doesn’t want to go out as a loser.

100% sure, given that his vote is 100% needed for it to pass. This is, like, basic political sentience 101.

“If you don’t release the hostage, I will personally execute the hostage, despite how much I love the hostage.”

If my life depended upon being the hostage-taker and not the person concerned about whether hostage-taking was good or bad, I would stick with the status quo of holding the hostage.

This is the main tenet of Hinduism. According to the monistic/pantheistic paradigm ([non-dualist theologies of Hinduism (such as Advaita Vedanta school)], the conscious universe (macrocosm), or Brahma the supreme spirit/universal soul (macrocosm) is indistinct from Atman the true self or individual soul (microcosm). Maya (illusion) prevents us from realizing this. Moksha is similar to enlightenment in that once the illusion dissipates we are free from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth. In other words, we get off the wheel (cycle of rebirth). The idea is to not have to come back to this forsaken place.

Tat Tvam Asi = You Are That.

Nice that science is catching on to what Hindus have known for thousands of years.


Come on, Manchin. At least go for filibuster reform. Like at least getting rid of this insane requirement for 60 votes to move legislation forward, requiring a talking filibuster, and moving legislation to a simple up or down vote when the talking filibuster runs out of steam.

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This is so tiresome.


And Nevada.


Republicans hate America. They’re the only ones who don’t know it, however.


He’s a real flame-thrower, that Joe Manchin:

What did Susan Collins say to him to make him so angry? Caption contest!

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First positive news in weeks. And not coincidentally, coming right after Stacey Abrams intervened. She is a gem.


A question I have wondered about and the only answer I can find is, damned few people have seriously asked and absolutely no one knows, perhaps not even Sinema.

Wait. Is this federal bill supposed to permit provisional ballots or not? That’s a big issue for many folks when they go to the polls—have to be able to cast a ballot that can be verified later when there’s less pressure on the poll workers in the middle of trying to conduct the election on election day!

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I’ll lend you my pearls, dear.

I could be wrong :tm: but it feels a little like a months long Kabuki showing is moving into the next act.

All the talk about reforming / overriding the filibuster is about Manchin.

Suppose he’s on board with what it takes to pass revised S.1. / John Lewis VRA - then what about Sinema? Will it all be for naught if she pulls a Sinema?

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She’s what I call a Pragmatic Progressive (as opposed to the Idealist Progressives who want Perfect or Bust).


Actually, you really should hold that thought until the upcoming vote. If it’s all Kabuki theatre, he’ll vote to pass, if he really is an assshole, he’ll vote it down. Until then, you’re ignoring a couple of hundred years of political maneuvering…


Suggested edit…


I’m pretty computer literate - how can I help? :nerd_face:


OT These mofos will sell their mothers tail is they could find a buyer.