MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Democrats and Republicans in the battleground state of Wisconsin were pushing Tuesday to get 320,000 outstanding absentee ballots returned by the close of polls on Election Day after the U.S. Supreme Court refused to extend the deadline to receive and count ballots, as Democrats had wanted.
We were all shocked by the Supreme court’s decision in Bush V Gore 20 years ago.
We were expecting the shenanigans this year. We were told to Vote early months ago.
Vote as early as you can and check to see if your ballot will be counted election night (mail in ballots- all states have different rules ect).
This also reminds me of Barr giving his summary of the Mueller report. The press reported his BS for a few days and then moved on. We need to make sure as many votes are counted on election night. Trump will declare victory with 50% of votes still outstanding.
I live in Wisconsin.
If you live in the City, take your ballot to your City/Municipal Clerk’s office.
You can find all the location information you need on
I took my ballot and placed it in an outdoor ballot box slot mounted on the wall of the clerk’s office building that leads directly into the city clerk’s vault, and then I went online (at the above link) and verified that they acknowledged receipt of the ballot.
I think this effort at voter suppression is going to back fire against the Republicans. Most Democrats have been super anxious to voice their dislike of Trump.
It’s beyond my comprehension that anyone would be holding onto a ballot this late in the game. Many who may have gotten a mail ballot have gone in person. Many more will. I hope >90% of Biden voters have voted before 11/3.
Equal protection concerns, rules to vote that block minorities, there’s lots of reasons why a state election rule could be ruled on by the SC, which deals with Constitutional issues. It’s unfortunate that the current Republican court has decided their job is to make interference easier for the Republican party, but that won’t last…a Democratic Congress will pass new voting rights laws, and if the SC tries to interfere with those then Congress will deal with them as well.
Wisconsinites Scramble To Get Votes In Early Following Supreme Court Ruling
Remember folks, always mail your ballot from the richest, whitest neighnorhood you can get to. (this was a comedian’s punchline four weeks ago, now it’s sound advice)
They are all saying the quiet parts out loud. Unabashed voter suppression is now having the opposite effect of triggering the casual and non-voter. Appeals to civic duty fall on deaf ears. But people hate when things (even things they don’t use) are taken away from them.
To be clear, they are pushing towards a shocking new doctrine, of basically saying that state courts have no ability to rule on state election laws, only Federal courts do. Which has massive implications, and would be a stunning act of nullification and infringement upon actual state rights.
Oh, I’m sure they are, simply in the hopes that they can put the same limits on voters in states like CA and swing them to the right. It won’t work though, legislation can put voting rights back into place that adhere to the Constitution, and if the SC tries to undo them then Biden can just ignore their biased rulings as against the Constitution and rework the court system, using their intransigence as the reason. The SC only has the power that Congress and the executive allow it to have, if necessary Congress can pass a law removing the ability of the SC to overrule Congressional laws, and the SC will be powerless to do anything about it.
That’s hardball, but it may be necessary if this SC gets out of line as far as they are threatening…if they really try to stop vote counting on Nov 3rd (which will violate the election rules in the majority of the states) they will pretty much end their ability to influence the law. We Americans can tell when the deck is being stacked, and even some people who didn’t vote for Biden will not go along with not counting all of the votes under the laws of the election. The SC chooses to interfere at their peril.
Now that the SCOTUS has revealed its true colors in its decision preventing all the votes from being counted in Wisconsin, the state needs all hands on deck to get every remaining vote in by November 3. There may be some people who believe their mail in ballot can arrive after Nov. 3 and still be counted.
Volunteer! Even out-of-state Democrats can help. One opportunity is for phone banking, and I presume that may include a chance to inform voters of the need to submit their ballots right away. Here’s the link to WisDems volunteer opportunities.
FYI: In passing, I read that there may be a way to invalidate a cast ballot if it hasn’t been counted and then receive a new ballot. But I’m not clear on the procedure and so that would be something to check out either with WisDems or Wisconsin election officials.
But not federal courts either, only the supreme court. Lower federal court rulings will be overturned as a matter of course unless they privilege republicans.
BTW, does anyone know whether writing an opinion containing multiple falsehoods constitutes “good behavior”?