The Census Bureau says its can obtain the data President Trump will need to facilitate a game-changing, GOP-boosting redistricting overhaul. The outside experts who work with redistricting data aren’t so sure.
Republicans have repeatedly gone ballistic about the use of any kind of statistical inference or adjustment to produce enumeration counts. But they’re fine with whatever juggling it takes to get the citizenship numbers they want.
Nope. While the Constitution is ambiguous on some topics, it clearly states that the Census will count “persons,” not voters. (The “3/5ths Compromise” notwithstanding.)
There is NO WAY to accurately use the 2020 census data as the starting point and then utilize some separately conducted non-correlated calculation of number of non citizens to then preform modifications to the results of the 2020 census. The very best that could be obtained would be subjective unverifable estimated percentage adjustments.
However, the Republicans would be all OK with this - you know - just take the census count in minority areas and multiply by 0.60 - a factor that will approximately reduce the perceived “over counting” because of the perceived presence of “non-citizens”…
not to coincidentally … this would be the 3/5ths compromise…
From a Accuracy standpoint - this is “Plan B” is total BS
From a constitutional law standpoint - this jackass racist move is generally viewed as having already been addressed … but the right-wingers are hoping that can frame things in a way that the newly purchased ethically rudderless portion of the Supreme Court would reverse and head in a new direction on this matter.
The Census Bureau told Congress recently that it would be producing the kinds of citizenship data that would let red states exclude noncitizens from consideration in redistricting. However, redistricting experts and outside census wonks TPM spoke to in the last few weeks raised several concerns about the accuracy of the citizenship data the Census Bureau will be producing.
I don’t see how anyone can pursue this effort with a straight face, given that representation in the House of Representatives is explicitly based on the the number of “free persons” in a state, not on the number of citizens.
Trump’s “plan”? Since when has Trump had a plan for anything? The success of the right in pushing for xenophobic legislation and policy, and just about everything else, has more to do with persistence and reiteration than with actual planning. They generate all manner of noxious ideas in the hopes that one of them passes legal muster or gets implemented quietly away from the eyes of the press or activist organizations.
If this particular crazy scheme does not work, well, they have other crazy schemes. Some might even pass judicial muster.
They are like Paramecium. When a Paramecium encounters an object in it’s path, it backs up and approaches from a different angle and so forth until it goes around the object. There’s no consciousness here at all, just mindless persistence.
Quite true, but this is a different issue. This is not about apportionment of Representatives in Congress, but about the boundaries of each state’s congressional districts. The Constitution defines how Representatives are to be apportioned but says nothing about how states can draw their congressional districts. Except for those seven states that have only one Representative, each state gets to decide for itself how its congressional districts will be drawn.
You’ll note that the argument here is not about the state’s right to use this information to draw its districts but about the unfairness likely to be caused by the inaccuracy of the data.
Along with Citizens United/dark money and the Bush-Gore hanging chad partisan decision,…thank you NOT once again CONServative SC decision for green lighting gerrymandering !
You are enabling Trump & MoscowMitch/Republicans to stay in power. Trump incites hatred & violence -stochastic terrorism, MoscowMitch blocks sensible gun legislations and Republicans aid/abet Trump! Ergo - lots of mass shootings and deadly White Supremacists violence!
Currently, there are 36 cases invoking ‘Trump’ in connection with violence, threats, alleged assaults, 29 of the 36 - reflect someone echoing presidential rhetoric!
Just remember CONServative + Trumpian SC justices, those senseless deaths and unnecessary bloodshed are on you too! And unless you are soulless, mindless and heartless, may those senseless deaths & unnecessary bloodshed haunt you all for the rest for your hypocritical and sorry lives!
The saddest part is that openly partisan gerrymandering is legal. This additional backdoor for Republicans trying to rig the map, is unnecessary. Justice Drinking Age has to be wondering, shit, what more do you assholes want from me?