Will Bannon Get A Special Trump Family Prison Visit Too?

Justice Department prosecutors on Tuesday asked the judge who presided over former Trump White House strategist and far-right conspiracy theorist Steve Bannon’s contempt of Congress case to order Bannon to begin serving his prison sentence.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1489380

I am a bit puzzled that Trump hasn’t done more more to keep Navarro and now Bannon out of jail. I guess loyalty is a one way street.


He got too tired reading pardon requests that last day and never got to the part of the stack with Navarro and Bannon in it… /s


A visit from the tRump fambly barber would be an outrageous act of kindness and would not go unnoticed.



[Trump said,] “Steve was a staffer who worked for me after I had already won the nomination by defeating seventeen candidates, often described [by me and really who else do you need to tell you something like this] as the most talented field ever assembled in the Republican Party.”



Will Stevie get to layer multiple orange jumpsuits?


“I’m shocked they want to silence the voice of MAGA,” Bannon told ABC News

Just a bit of hubris in that response. Bannon demonstrating his personality in a nutshell.


With a bus.


Remember Trump does not like POWs because they get caught.
Since they got caught he will not spend his money saving them.
Just a visit to show he cares? :fu:


Bannon prefers to play the MAGA Lenin in podcasts and other media. Actually do prison in real time? Not so much.


I’m pretty sure they let you talk in prison. And there are plenty of other needy incel attention whores with no fashion sense just waiting to fill the void you leave.


I do believe bannon got a pardon after doing the wall ripoff.
One and done.

ETA. Butt neither of his partners got the blessing.


“The difference appears to be that Bannon hadn’t yet exhausted his appeal options.”

This is some absurd spinning.

The difference is that Navarro got an Obama judge and Bannon got a Trump judge.

How is even TPM falling for this insanity?

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He’s going to jail for NOT talking.

I attended an outdoor party a few weeks ago. Twas a très, très posh affair. As Bannon arrived, the Master of Ceremonies called out “Mr. Stephen K. Bannon, The Voice of MAGA”, whereupon event staff ran him through the cattle dip. Per the dictates of the customary etiquette bearing on such matters, they handed him a fresh towel at the dip vat terminus, after which he plodded toward the bar with an audible squish at each step.


Bannon’s judge, Carl J. Nichols, a Trump appointee, actually gave him a very hard time. You can read about it in the Wikipedia article on Bannon.

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Bannon was the only one of the three to be pardoned. But he is not “one and done” as far as trials for the wall ripoff go. His New York trial for that ripoff is scheduled to begin in a week or two. The trial may be conducted while he is in federal prison at Otisville. Will Bannon choose to attend his trial in his orange jumpsuit? He just might. Will his hair have been cut close to his head?


I’m sure I’m not alone in looking forward to Guiliani’s arrest warrant and the obvious corollary. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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It’s not like I have sympathy for any of the lowlife low bees of January 6, who served their too-short sentences faster than the appeal from behind bars would’ve taken. But the privilege afforded all these rightist pricks is grossly unfair to lowlife low bees across the board, whether they are rightist pricks or not.

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Steve Bannon looks like a bum. There’s a reason for that. He IS a bum.