Madison, Wisconsin Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway on Friday blasted the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Gov. Tony Evers’ (D) stay-at-home order on Wednesday amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The WI Supreme Court single-handedly destroyed the state’s capacity to deal with this or any future public health crisis involving a contagion. Way to go, assholes.
Wisconsin Chief Justice Patience Roggensack will be forever known as the cheesy queen of the cult of death. The bodies of regular folk will pile up in addition to those of the poor people working in packing plants.
This is what legislating from the bench looks like. The Governor came up with a plan in the midst of a devastating pandemic only to see the state Supreme Court nix it wholesale, without offering so much as an alternative.
They will undoubtedly not take any responsibility when thousands of Wisconsinites contract the virus and a portion of those will suffer serious consequences. No, they’ll chuck that over to the Governor -the same guy they prohibited from enforcing a law to save lives.
The mayor is a heroine of the first order. As a politician and public servant, she’s almost more than Wisconsin deserves. Fortunately, she is there to stand in the breach at just the right moment. May the saints preserve and keep her.
I had seen a headline this morning that Texas was having 1k new cases daily since opening back up. The headline was from Alternet or Raw Story so, unlike the Trumpanzees I took it with a grain of salt. I may like what those publications tell me but I know they lean a certain way and I kinda’ questioned the numbers so I looked them up on my own on the Covid Tracking Project and you know what? They are correct. Texas had more than 1400 new cases yesterday and 58 deaths. Here is Washington State when we were at those numbers daily, we shut everything down. All I can say is, “Have a nice summer, Wisconsin.”
Will the Repub appointed members of the WI Supreme Court who voted against Evers now suggest they meet to hear future cases in person rather than via Zoom? The hypocrisy stinks to high hell!
It was the GOP-packed WI lege which took the case to the WI Supremes, saying the lege should have been involved, and thus the governor’s order is invalid. The Supremes basically agreed with the lege, but the lege didn’t develop any blueprint for moving forward.
Yes, the decision is outrageous, but responsibility for crafting an alternative sits with the lege, not the court.
There’s nothing in WI law that gives the court the ability to enforce an executive order it just declared invalid.
Believe it or not, I’m in line to get tested right now. Our county has decided to test essential workers whether symptomatic or not. Im not. Waiting in my truck, I just finished shopping for PPE and even if a person wanted to protect themself, there is no gear to be had. To me this unavailablity of PPE is the worst part of the whole debacle, and a direct result of the President’s diddling and dawdling. So I’ll take my test, do my part to prove that social distancing was working until those god damned Repiblicans decided their feelings and google research made them smarter than the CDC.
Given the response across the state, I would not want to be a Repugnicant “legislator” (something they might actually try doing once in awhile, instead of just bringing suits and disenfranchising people) come November.
It’s also bad news for states that border WI. People will cross over from IL or MI to hit bars in WI and bring the virus back home with them. The bar in Platteville that was packed only hours after the Supreme Court decision is only 20 minutes from the IL border.