This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. The authors are professional evaluators. One holds a leadership position in the Wisconsin Democratic Party as chair of its Environmental Caucus.
If my local FB page is any indication, not even close. If the FB page supporting Evers is any indication, not even close.
People here are mad. People here are worried beyond sick that they’re going to get sick from all the non-residents pouring over our borders. They know who is to blame and we’re on the edge now of seeing the results of the GOP labor on this.
See here:
and see here:
We’re going absorb the costs for all of this AND probably get sick at the same time (Minnesota’s infection rate is 5,000 more than ours is right now in Wisconsin).
We know who to blame. And November isn’t coming soon enough for us to get our revenge on the people who opened us up entirely too soon and without restrictions.
There was not one Wisconsin license plate to be seen all weekend in our town. Not one.
Oh, and I’m sure you all have seen the photos from the weekend at various resorts throughout the State over burdened with people from Illinois - I understand the footage from Lake Geneva was shown overseas, it was so ridiculed. No one wants to be part of the GOP joke they’ve made this State into. We aren’t forgetting.
There was another part I didn’t emphasize in my initial post, but I think it was mentioned in one of the articles.
At one of the bars along the main street, a fight broke out one of the weekend nights that ended up involving some 50 people. You can imagine that didn’t happen via social distancing.
Yes, time to pour in resources into registration and vote by mail. A uniform message needs to get out via churches, unions, calls, letters, to everyone to check their registration and register to vote absentee.
We need this election put away in late October, with our votes banked.
Ditto in Arizona, pa, mi, fl, N.C., Nv, nh, ga, Iowa, all states that allow Absentee voting w/o an excuse.
Thanks everyone for reading and reacting. Glad to connect with the commenters on here. Reminds me of my time as a regular Cafe contributor back in the early 2010s.
Kathleen and I really enjoyed this project. While I already had some inside view of the election – my name was on the ballot locally, after all – this piece was a chance to put on my evaluator’s hat and look under the hood of the socially-distanced GOTV.