A large, framed photograph of right-wing commentator and Fox Nation host Tomi Lahren posing with border patrol agents is hanging on the wall at the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., according to Quartz.
“Lahren is seen posing with Custom and Border Patrol officials Benjamine “Carly” Huffman, Scott Luck, Carla Provost, Richard Hudso and others, according to Quartz. A Customs and Border Patrols spokesperson told Quartz that the agency has “hundreds of photographs” that it hangs on office walls.”
Let’s have a moment of silence for Provost’s current week.
Laura’s too old; and she doesn’t use extensions and she doesn’t have boob implants.
re the photo… i’m constantly amazed by how overweight so many law enforcement types are… that’s why there are so many cop shootings; they can’t run down the suspects. you would be shocked by what’s wearing nypd uniforms…
You would think with all the alleged criminals and “rapists” crossing our southern border, their walls would be replete with a top one-hundred most wanted list or something. But I guess that doesn’t rate compared to Tomi whoever she is.
Hey, Border Patrol and ICE … while you;re at it with the deportation raids this weekend, I’ve got a list of quite a few people you could sweep up and get rid of, too. Several are even in the same family and all are criminals and/or dangerous individuals.
Procurers to sexual abusers of children? Traitors to the Constitution of the United States? Those aren’t Border Patrol nor ICE domains. With Barr heading DoJ, those aren’t the domain of any agency.