Acting DNI and Trump will refuse. Schiff will issue subpoena. Acting DNI, at Trump’s (perhaps unspoken) direction, will refuse to comply with subpoena. Schiff’s committee will sue to enforce the subpoena. Barr’s DOJ will file a motion to dismiss saying it’s an inter-branch political dispute and the courts cannot get involved because … something, something … we have to protect Trump.
We need, not only whistle-blowers, but people with documentary and taped evidence who are willing to leak those things to relevant committees and the media. It may be the only way to get any look at what is really going on. The next Democratic president can pardon them all - ETA: while prosecuting the Trumpers.
Once more it seems like our only salvation is going to be career government officials who are unwilling to let the world go to hell in four years with Trump and his mobsters.
Sure looks like the United States, under Republican control is becoming a Dictatorship and personality cult. What’s the matter with Republicans? Can’t survive under a democracy? Republicans are the greatest threat to our nation since the CIVIL WAR.
Schiff: “The reason he’s not acting to provide it even though the statute mandates that he do so, is because he is being instructed not to. This involved a higher authority.”
Ritualism is social interaction with symbols with no practical meaning. If, as has been stated somewhere on this site for the last 30 months, we are on the “road to a dictatorship” then the Dem Debates were meaningless.
Going forward we had better be careful if, when and how we wave the white flag to Emperor Trump the First.
The traitors are in charge- Trump; Barr and McConnell- Nancy won’t do anything and the Russians are leisurely choosing their next vehicle to dismantle the United States without firing a shot.
Other countries do not have the freedom of expression we have…
OT The story practically gave us an Easter Egg. This is Trump’s hand-picked toady ACTING as DNI with no other input but Trump. He needs to be brought in for some interrogation