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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis.
It’s amazing the way “preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States” has become a radical, far-left idea!
And if I read one more DC scribbler article describing Cheney and Kinzinger as “anti-Trump” (vs.anti-Insurrection or pro-Rule of Law), I’m gonna plotz.
This was a very good article! While reading through, I found my optimism for our collective future growing. Yes, there are obstacles, but this piece made them seem surmountable, and not deal killers like we are fed through so much MSM. Thank you for raising my spirits!
Would that make you an insurrection plotzer?
The long and the short of it for this legislation,as well as all legislation in a majority democratic Congress, Is that republicans will Pan it as a partisan bill.
So Democrats should not face any harsher reaction from an expansive bill than a minimal one.
Smart people will know republicans and their media syncophants Are full of shit, And everybody else remaining is a Republican we will never convince of anything anyway
Why Democrats Should Not Settle For A Slimmed Down For The People Act
Hey, if you can’t slim it down for the people, who can you slim it down for?
Great article, perspective and needed information.
Option 1: The Perfect: Insist on S.1 or nothing. Very likely result: get nothing, Democrats lose House and Senate.
Option 2: The Good: Accept Sen. Manchin’s proposals. Likely result: get just enough for Democrats to keep House and Senate.
Option 3:
The DNC tells all Democtatic senators that if they don’t support setting aside the Filibuster for S.1 they will be cut off. (I mean, the are not above cutting off progressives right?)
Schumer should threaten to strip committee assignments for rest if this congress for the same.
Sure, Manchin could defect, but his inaction on S.1 will yield the same result, more Republicans in congress
@jonney_5: Your option 3 is interesting, but it still leaves us with S.1 or nothing. Let me add a few observations: Manchin calls the shots; you either get his vote or get nothing. Manchin has come down so hard on “I will not break the filibuster to pass S.1” it would be almost impossible for him to reverse himself and vote to do that now and retain credibility with the voters of West Virginia. Manchin’s proposal includes curbs on gerrymandering, in my view the most essential part of S.1. [My opinion, reasonable people my disagree.]
So this is S.1 and infrastructure legislation news from 23 hours ago. And the latest update is 4 hours old - for Prime members only. What’s next Prime+ for latest up-to-date changes? Bad enough I have to pay just to comment, but if I want to continue commenting on latest news I have to upgrade ($$$) to Prime. Now I’m being grifted. Fuck You TPM!
As to S.1, it’s going to have to wait till Infrastructure deals become legislation - or a complete failure. Will know soon enough.
I was surprised we got anything on the weekend…
That is when I have most time to read.
Surely we’ve moved beyond the physical newspaper, but, if I’m going to shell out for a subscription, I would like that nice Sunday paper experience. (God knows we already get the adds)
Fair, Manchin was has made it hard to reverse himself on S1.
He is all in on a bipartisan infrastructure too. Surely mitch will not actually go along on that.
And that is coming up a bit sooner too, if we can break the filibuster on that ( not just for that) then Schumer can put S1 up. Then exact the punishments I’ve laid out for those who vote against it.
Why are people getting arrested by the police?
What police are doing this?
Why didn’t they arrest Republicans that are Traitors and support the attempted coup?
It’s never too late, no time like the present!
I was surprised we got anything on the weekend…
There was a time … when living in NY I would pick up bagels and two copies of Sunday’s NYT. Drop one copy at mom’s, have breakfast together (sunny side egg dropped on a bagel with cream cheese) and go through the paper for an hour or so (even when I was hungover - depending of course). Been posting free here and having laughs for a long time, so I paid up once and then again recently as well, but thought I’d have access to everything.
Would love to subscribe to the slick NY magazines (plus WaPo and L.A. Times) but it’s just too much money together when you add it up. But the writing and stories in the magazines are so much better than here. TPM serves a purpose but it’s too pricey now. And w/o the posters, it’s got nothin’ to brag about. But soon they’ll get their Pultizer like every other competitor.
Guess I’m spoiled by the old large formatted Rolling Stone magazine days. Long riveting stories and great covers, of which I have a few.
Thanks. Hate to whine and hate doing it alone.
Schumer only needs three words to deal with Manchin: “Where’s my Epi-pen?”
A lot less comments with this pay model as well, which diminishes tha value of paying for less comments than were free for years.
Least they could do is allow comments on folks’ 7 free articles per month…
over $14 billion was spent in that election [2020]
$14 billion on political campaigns?
Yes, we CAN afford President Biden’s infrastructure plan.