Who Will Be The Winner Of McCarthy's Revenge Tour?

Originally published at: Who Will Be The Winner Of McCarthy’s Revenge Tour?

You’d be forgiven for not remembering that Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is facing a challenger tonight in the Republican primary election in his home state — with the House out on recess and the 2024 presidential campaign season in full swing, Gaetz hasn’t had much room to troll his way into the news in recent…

In the matter of Asshole 1 v. Asshole 2, Matt Gaetz is the greater asshole.


McCarthy vs. Gaetz
If they could fall on each other with emory boards in a fight to the finish, it would be a satisfactory end to at least one of their less than illustrious careers.


With guys like Gaetz and McCarthy, we can enjoy their falling out and hope for lasting damage.



It would be lovely for Gaetz to lose the primary. He is such a disgusting person.


They both are, but Gaetz is more disgusting by many factors of force.

Gaetz and Jordan are close only Jordan is much stupider, while Gaetz is much slimier.

The lights of the GOP, may they shine forever up their own assessments.


Quite predictably, Gaetz wins and it’s not even close.

Matt Gaetz - Working Stiff

raising $5.7 million

Let’s see, 435 Reps, plus 100 Senators, plus (say) 1 opponent for each of them… double it… carry the… and that comes to…


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And waste the wonders of Botox?


Since leaving Congress early this year, McCarthy’s allies have made a point of recruiting Republican challengers to other members of that group

A post-Trump GOP has to come from somewhere. It’s not like Organized Money is gonna pack it all up once Trump dies or loses his mind or goes to prison.

I suppose McCarthy is as good as nucleation site for that as anybody.

The only thing the GOP won’t survive is the removal of dark money from politics.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I hope people will not believe the headline writer, who seems to think Gaetz is McCarthy’s biggest enemy. How about the collective votership of California, who didn’t ask for and don’t want McCarthy, and who have no say on the political future of Gaetz?