GENEVA — A spokeswoman for the World Health Organization says the U.N. health agency doesn’t have an immediate reaction to a letter from U.S. President Donald Trump that listed his complaints, including “an alarming lack of independence” from China in its response to the coronavirus outbreak.
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“Those are interesting ideas you have. We’ll be sure to keep them in mind. You must come over and visit sometime when were both free.“
“I am sure in the course of the day we will have more clarity and reaction to this letter,” she said at a regular U.N. briefing in Geneva.
Maybe not responding is the best approach.
When you show fear or reply in a negative way you enter Trump World.
Say nothing and maybe his head will explode.
WHO: Nice little country you got there. Be a shame if you keep fucking it over…
The WHO does not reply to shithole countries
The best approach would be for the WHO to wait Trump out. The Chinese have come through with money to more than make up the difference. The worst thing WHO could do is accede to Trump’s demands. He’s an extortionist and giving in will both embolden him and allow him to use it as a campaign issue.
Just shine him on with some vague language and wait till next year.
ETA. Weren’t we in arrears on our support to the WHO anyway?
WHO to dump, Go away you are bothering me boy

The mature and measured response of an adult dealing with a 2-year old’s temper tantrum.
" I don’t have an off-the-cuff unmeasured response to this because I am an adult."