White Woman Who Called Police On Black Birdwatcher In Viral Video Made Second 911 Call | Talking Points Memo

A white woman whose encounter with a Black man birdwatching in Central Park in went viral in late May made a second call to 911 falsely claiming that he attempted to assault her that was previously unreported, according to prosecutors.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1338429

She was going to cow him or get his blood: a black man had the temerity to suggest that she had to follow the same rules as the park’s other visitors.


"During her second call, Amy Cooper allegedly accused Christian Cooper of endangering her life and claimed that he was trying to assault her.

A criminal complaint filed by the DA’s office noted that when police arrived, Amy Cooper told an officer that she made false reports, and denied that Christian Cooper touched or assaulted her."

So Judge Barrett, systemic racism doesn’t exist, huh?


He didn’t get shot! The system works!


Attempted lynching by cop


This guy should sue her for reckless endangerment, as a black man he has a very strong case.


“Christian Cooper recorded Amy Cooper in a video calling 911 and frantically claiming that her ‘entire life is being destroyed” by an African-American man’.”

Only someone drunk on pink privilege could view as an existential threat a minority with the gall to…

Simply breathe.

Lucky for Christian she didn’t have a gun.


A white woman whose encounter with a Black man birdwatching in Central Park in went viral in late May

Not even five months ago? Seems like five thousand years.


claiming that her “entire life is being destroyed” by an African-American man.

OK, she was half-right.


Well if local PDs don’t track that metric, or report it to the FBI, then plausible deniability can stand firm.


Has the dog recovered from the near-strangling?


Misplaced who was doing the destroying.


This story makes me embarrassed to be a white woman.


I read that the rescue that she got the dog from took it away, and then gave it back.

I suspect that if she had succeeded in getting the police to arrest Mr. Cooper, or shoot him because he tried to show them his ID, or didn’t comply fast enough, or too fast for them and the dog got killed in the process people would be more upset that the dog died, instead of what she tried to do to Mr. Cooper.


What part of the system did Amy Cooper represent? As far as I could tell, given the outcome with a live black man, this would argue this is an example of the opposite.
Food for thought, with this singular example. Amy Cooper represents a white woman scared of being isolated with a black man and having a hysterical over reaction. If there had not been real danger to the life of the man she reported, it would have been comical.


Oh Karen.

We need to see her ‘long form’ cert to see if she changed her birth name from Karen.

Well, that’s second phone call should get Trump to appoint her to the EEOC.


"Fortunately, no one was injured or killed in the police response to Ms. Cooper’s hoax.”

Yes, Amy Cooper is vey lucky she wasn’t shot by the responding police.

Yeah… TWO calls and she STILL plays victim? She doesn’t get it, she still does not know why it was wrong…doesn’t everyone do it?

Just jail her. I’m so tired of this crap. I don’t think she is out to get HIM but to get her 15 minutes II…