Federal prosecutors announced on Monday that a 27-year-old man named Richard Holzer had been charged with a hate crime over the weekend for allegedly plotting to bomb a synagogue in Pueblo, Colorado.
After his arrest on Friday, Holzer allegedly told law enforcement that though he hadn’t planned on hurting anyone, he still would’ve gone through with his plan if there were someone inside the synagogue.
I had a friend (gay man, right winger) who was shocked when I told him my brother’s synagogue (where Eric Cantor also attends) has armed guards at each service. This was probably two years ago. He is an avid news digester (Fox, I’m sure) and simply could not believe my assertion. The synagogue is in an upscale neighborhood a few blocks from his house. This kind of ignorance is actually the scariest to me: a sophisticated person who is well-traveled, well-read, and in a bubble that doesn’t extend three blocks past his house. Needless to say, no guards at his church necessary.
Yeah I wonder how the three men from Kansas that threatened to blow up an apartment building where Somalis live like their 25, 26, 30 year prison sentences.
Seriously??? If the Somalis were sent to prison for a long stretch for basically the same thing why wouldn’t this person receive the same justice? Oh wait…he is White and probably claims to be a Christian.
Why do these white nationalists always go after Jews??? Do they even know why? My college roomie and still best friend is Jewish and her oldest son who is a lawyer supports Trump. I don’t know if he has had a change of heart in the last few months. So Much Crazy. I worry about her and her family … so many guns and so many crazy idiots.