White House On Noman Call For ‘Marshall Law’: ‘A Disgusting Affront To Our Deepest Principles’

The White House responded Tuesday to TPM’s reporting that Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC) called for then-President Donald Trump to impose martial law in the final days of his presidency. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1442152

Ya know, until this morning I had not heard of Ralph Norman (R-SC). Now he’s the poster boy for imposing MARSHALL LAW to steal the election.


“came from a source of frustration, on the heels of countless unanswered questions about the integrity of the 2020 election, without any way to slow down and examine those issues prior to the inauguration of the newly elected president.”

Republicans can’t keep up with Joe Biden.


Norman has backtracked since the text came to light, telling South Carolina news outlet The State that the text “came from a source of frustration,

Frustration? More than two months after the election results were revealed, after 60+ chances to plead their case in court, and after a violent insurrection, he still wanted Trump to declare martial law? Pretty damned despicable. And it’s kind of funny considering how they tell everyone else to just get over it.

And kudos to TPM for indirectly getting the White House’s attention with their excellent reporting and kudos to the Biden administration as well for hammering Republicans on this.


Damn 12 full weeks between the election 11/03/20 and inauguration 01/20/21 and they couldn’t come up with a credible story of how Trump lost.
That’s a shame and a half.

No really, these guys and Marge are nothing but sore losers.


"Our LAST HOPE is invoking Marshall Law!!”


“Marshall!! Marshall!! Marshall!!”


An alternative explanation is that they knew the fix was in, but they were double-crossed. They were promised that Trump would still be their Dear Leader. :cry:


Rep. Ralph Norman has also been auditioning for an alternative Speaker of the House since he a firm “NO” for Kevin McCarthy. This is from Politico:

Also openly seeking an alternative speaker candidate is Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), who has indicated he has a name in mind but declined to share it, saying it wouldn’t be “fair” to the person.



Well to be fair that’s what they’re good at, making a lot of noise.


The fact he doesn’t know the difference between “Marshall” and “martial” is what’s going to save him. Instead of being viewed as a threat he’ll be viewed as nothing more than a dummy who can’t be taken seriously. A “frustrated” sycophant dummy.


Maybe he was frustrated because his questions were stupid? Like asking if Italian satellites changed votes from Trump votes to Biden votes….

F—- this guy.


Can I nominate the fool/tool for this list? The guy who couldn’t understand why it took longer to count the votes in Maricopa County than the other counties in AZ. (and yes I know his name, but we’ll not speak it)

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He needs to resign now. The whole world now knows how many idiots are in Congress. Not that they didn’t guess it a while ago. Maybe he should retire. He probably would drive his wife crazy with him being home.

In our neighborhood there are two women who appear to have told their husbands to take a long walk in the morning and not to return until dinner time.


Well at least is appears there are no short piers in your neighborhood.

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It wouldn’t be “fair” to the conspirators more like.

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Well… Marshall Law is indeed an imposing looking figure - that is, until his wife, Ana Stareback, sees what he is up to.

What the fick is “Marshall Law”? Does Josh know about this?

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It is their stupidity that makes them dangerous.


Why not both. Let’s not limit his ambitions!


NOISE: Isn’t that what an empty barrel makes?