White House Budget Official Will Testify In Impeachment Probe

Mark Sandy, a career official at the Office of Management and Budget, will testify in a closed-door session with House impeachment investigators on Saturday.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1262378
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This just keeps getting worse and worse…

For Fat Nixon.


At some point we’re gonna have to start getting documents from these pricks.

Remember when Nixon piled up all those pretty blue bindered “transcripts” and said here you go Congress?

Yeah, I do. It didn’t work then. It better not work this time.


We don’t have no stinkin’ budget.
Trump put us zillion $s in the hole.


Wonder how soon the story will break about Fat Nixon bribing South Korea for a Biden probe? Or how much KJU is loving this?


Oh, this will be fascinating. We know OMB illegally held up the funds, but I don’t think we know why or under whose direction. Mulvaney and Trump can’t be happy about this.


Everything Trump does from now on should be considered suspect unless proven otherwise. It’s no way to run a country, but when Republicans don’t take emoluments (bribery) seriously, this is where you end up.


[In best Maxwell Smart voice] Aaaand, loving it!


He got the figure from Putin, comrades.

Do you see any other explanation for Trump’s foreign policy that would explain this and every other move he has made? From granting Kim recognition as a legitimate and acceptable nation on the worlds stage to greenlighting Turkey’s move into Syria to fracturing NATO at every opportunity to breaking ties with Canada and Mexico, does this benefit the US and the world in any real and meaninfgful way?

Does this make the spread of democracy any more likely anywhere in the world, really?

Does it make freedom from oppression any more achievable for the vast majority of people on this planet?

Is the very viability of life on Earth increasing thanks to Trump?

Because when you get down to it, Putin is just as ignorant and greedy and stupid as Trump, just not anywhere near as Provincial as Trump (Trump thinks New York City is “It” and everywhere else isn’t. FFS he thinks a burnt steak is fine dining.)


I think you mean Republicans did that. We are witnessing their swan song, and it isn’t going to be a tune you’ll want to hum to yourself in the shower.

It’s going to be discordant and grating, like a set of bagpipes played badly.


This typical Trump bullshit, like the guy that shits in the kitchen to make his wife upset and yelling at him giving time for the mistress to escape through the bedroom window.

Could be worse, he might try to start a war to keeps everybodys attention on something else.


Hey Russell! Once Mark spills the beans on Saturday, what will you do come Monday?

Just askin…


Well… when I hear this is the end of the Republican Party, I can’t hep but think of Dick Cheney’s “last throes, if you will, of the insurgency.”


To the contrary, I think the GOP has proven they take bribery extremely seriously. That’s why they made it the law of the land back in 2010.


Sandy: I ain’t goin’ to jail for Hair Fuhrer!

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When it starts to occur to the loyalists and insiders that they might end up the fall guys for Trump and end up like Cohen , I think we’re going to see a chorus of canaries


For the first and only time… in Trump’s defense, my favorite historical American ever (US Grant) wouldn’t eat meat unless it was charred. I’ve gotta be consistent!


The internet would be just another failed concept without 60s pop culture references. It may have been the age of Aquarius, but it was the foundation for the age of Snark.


Something that does not make sense.The more documentation held back adds to the mountain of the appearance of hiding something. Like Trump’s taxes, if all is well and benign, the refusal to present says otherwise.


The man is simply a traitor. Analyze anyway you want. The conclusion is the same.