Where Does Kari Lake Stand On Arizona Abortion Law? Depends Who She Is Talking To

A local Arizona news outlet published a story last week highlighting remarks the Republican Senate candidate and election denier Kari Lake made to a crowd at an event put on by the Mohave County Republican Party. She appeared to lament the fact that the 1864-era total abortion ban that the state Supreme Court just allowed back on the books won’t be enforced in the state, unless local sheriffs decide to do it.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1486887

Serial liar? or whack-a-doodle? Depends on who she’s talking to…


Where Does Kari Lake Stand On Arizona Abortion Law?

In a bucket of stupid.


Kari says she stands on two feet.
Next question.




Republicans have done this for years…say the middle of the road thing whenever the larger public is expected to hear news about it, say the hard right thing when it’s a small event among friendly audiences. It used to be that the majority of Republican candidates were paying lip service to the hard right, throwing them a bit of red meat in a speech and doing not much else. Today, it’s the reverse…they mean the hard right things but are trying to disguise that from the general audience so they can get power and start implementing the hard right goals.

They are also more likely to be true believers, so they are openly stating these things that most American’s aren’t in favor of…they don’t really care about that, they intend to rule, even if it requires cheating to win elections. That’s what happens when you fall into the religious pool hard enough, everything is allowed for you in order to serve your leader (which appears to be Trump instead of God or Jesus now).

Lake is not very good at this, and it’s very likely to hurt her in the election…AZ tends to elect senators who are straightforward, and ejects them if they start mucking around (cough, Sinema). Gallego looks like a great candidate and fit, Lake is wearing crazy pants and lying about her positions to try to win support. Let’s hope Gallego really does pull it off, he and Biden really need to win the state to keep Republicans from taking over.


Kari Lake is a political cross dresser! Weather vanes fly in all directions, so does Kari Lake!


And in other serial liar, whack-a-doodle news:


“It’s kinda hard to steal money if it’s not there,” he continued.


Where does Kari Lake stand on the Rump’s red carpet?

Behind the vacuum cleaner.


Is she the type of woman Nick Fuentes will be comfortable with? Although for what he says Fuentes perfect partner would be a Theban Hoplite…

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Shocking, I tell ya! /s

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Santos said it?!? That’s incredible!



“It’s probably going to be the 15th week or whatever is in this ballot initiative. … I trust the people of Arizona to vote on this, if that’s what happens, and get this right,”

It’s not 15 weeks, you twit. It’s fetal viability, which is somewhere between 20 and 24 weeks depending. Prior to fetal viability it’s the woman’s choice, as it should be. After that, if a doctor decides a woman needs it for her health or life, then it is between the doctor and her, as it should be.

No, you astoundingly ignorant woman you and your bible-humping co-religionists will have NO SAY.
And that is exactly what the people of Arizona are going to get right.

Now fuck off.


It’s the magic of lighting. Isn’t it wonderful?

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It’s a lot more than lighting.


Where Does Kari Lake Stand On Arizona Abortion Law?

As the female GOP politico who paved the way for Lake and her like minded sisters said, “All of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years.”

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Kari Lake may be the best thing that’s happened for Arizona Democrats.

Oddly enough, that picture is the only time I’ve felt any non-revulsion to her. Notwithstanding that it’s for TFG, but that she went ahead and did what needed doing - cleaning - reflects my own ethos of “no job is below me.”

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