What We Know About Vehicle-Ramming Incident At The Capitol | Talking Points Memo

Yes his legacy but more broadly and fundamentally GOP legacy. They were horrible before him, they enabled him, they rode him, they let him ride them, and they continue on the same path without him.


I didn’t understand the rather conclusory statements by the Capitol Police about the attacker’s motive or intent. They don’t know enough to make such statements. These sorts of briefings should be done by the FBI and I’m at a loss to understand why they did nothing prior to Jan 6 and weren’t the first folks on the ground here given that they have arrested a number of people relating to Jan 6 and have a lot of knowledge about what motivates such attacks.


This is how much right wingers love cops. Only to the point where cops do what they want them to do (I’ll be very surprised if it’s not a rabid rw type of some kind).


There was also what looked like a civilian helicopter landing and minutes later flying off from the Capital grounds. What was that all about?

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Maggots lashing out. Vile ones at that.


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I recall this event. Ever since I have maintained the fear of the possibility of another attack. January 6th reminded me of 1954 in the vulnerability of our government leaders.


Ramming cops and pulling a knife on them are two pretty good clues. I’m guessing that Trump stickers and red hats are shortly to follow.

Forty-two Republican House members sent a letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) Friday, urging her to allow security fencing around the Capitol to be taken down.

The letter, spearheaded by Rep. Ted Budd (R-N.C.), sounded the alarm over proposals to implement the fencing permanently after it was erected after the Jan. 6 riot on Capitol Hill, noting that high-profile events like the inauguration are over.

“We write with concerns about the security measures and enhanced fencing around the U.S. Capitol even though high profile events like the inauguration are over. In particular, we are concerned with recent reports that the fencing surrounding the Capitol may become permanent,” they wrote.

“We are willing to have an honest debate about providing Capitol Hill Police with the resources they need to be better prepared without turning the Capitol into a permanent fortress. To that end, we urge you to remove the barbed wire fencing surrounding the Capitol and send the National Guard troops home to their families. It’s time. It’s time for healing and it’s time for the removal of the fencing so the nation may move forward .”

MTG Capital barrier Tweet


You mean all the freedumbos will fuck off to some mystical destination and stop pissing off the rest of us? Hallelujah!!!



MGT can go do some unnatural things to herself.

Oh wait, sorry, she likes that sort of thing.


No. The suspect has ties to the Nation of Islam.


They did medavac the seriously injured officer who, sadly, died. Could that have been it?


We have to deal with this shit and then hear that BLM and antifa are the violent troublemakers.


We know that GOP messaging is the one thing they do well with, in terms of repeating and repeating and


But we do have the fact that our policies are those which deserve support…and so we have to persevere, no matter what color today’s perp is.


Maybe we can rename a southern army base Fort Pelosi. Great idea, MTG!


Officer William “Billy” Evans

Republicans, it doesn’t matter what Party he was a member of, it doesn’t matter what color was his skin, what religion he did or didn’t join, or what company paid his salary. He was an American, who gave his life for… yes, this government, these people who want to help those in distress.

Have a heart.


I’ve been to a couple anti Iraq war protests in DC and as others have noted, many of the capital cops and park police are people of color.


Ah, CNN reported 20 mass killings iin 2 weeks since Asian spas carnage. VA and CA in last 2-3 days.

It is normal now. ? IS HOW TO CHANGE
Gun control maybe?


As we will hear shortly it is too early to talk gun control. As we have after every horrible tragedy.