The far-right former Washington state legislator Matt Shea is in a small town in Poland with a bunch of children that he says are orphan refugees from Ukraine. The local Poles are wary, and some basic questions have gone unanswered.
One Chicago pediatrician who’d seen the children in recent days told the Spokane Spokesman-Review, “The kids are all well taken care of.”
Yes. I completely trust this man who has no motive at all being in the pay of rabid fascist/christian organization. Nobody who has eyes like Shea should be allowed anywhere NEAR children.
Running a de facto adoption agency seems like a good grifting scheme. He’s placed himself in a part of the world where there’s going to be a steady supply. Let’s hope it’s only that bad, and not something even creepier.
We will be hearing about the physical/emotional/sexual abuse of these kids by the KKKristians. Pro-life only counts if you are a fetus. After birth, you are a usable, disposable commodity for profit/fame of your user/abuser. Stay tuned.
I know this is going out on a limb here but there are numerous agencies and authorities that can say “no” to this.
Reading the story it feels like there are people in charge saying the that they don’t know what to do. Really? Some foreign weirdo, with a ton of baggage, just shows up to collect other people’s children and all hands are tied?
a report concluded that he’d engaged in domestic terrorism
… and the reason that he is not on the No-Fly list is ???
if a person with a “history” or even a kid with a name similar to a known murderer - or some other thing - can end up on the list for years why is this guy free to amble about the skies - US & international - and do what ever idiotic thing he want to try.