What Happens In The Senate Now That The House Has Impeached Trump | Talking Points Memo

It’s official: A Senate impeachment trial is happening, now that the House has adopted its articles of impeachment. While the prospect of a trial has been looming over the Senate for several weeks, given the inevitability of a House impeachment of President Trump’s once the impeachment inquiry was announced in September, many major procedural questions about that trial remain unresolved.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1269148

McConnell has already signaled that precedent is meaningless. By the way, 230 and 229 votes to impeach (the aye votes on Trump articles) are more than either of the approved articles against Clinton (228 and 221) and the Johnson impeachment (126). Trump finally has gotten more votes than anyone else for something. LANDSIDE!


Removing the president is hard. Removing the smell will take a crime-scene clean-up outfit.


And, another one bites the dust, Mark Meadows, Rep. N.C. will not run for re-election. Wonder what they’re all worried about?


The trial will almost certainly consume Washington

Sounds good to me


Speculation has run rampant that Meadows could join the Trump administration in some capacity, including as an eventual chief of staff, which he has expressed interest in previously

Sounds more like Trump is ready to give Mulvaney the heave ho.


Maybe once the show trial is over, they can start the next impeachment. Just keep them coming until Trump’s successor is sworn in.

It would at least shut down the Federal Society takeover of the judiciary.

You know that this is a tactic that Republicans will eventually pursue against a Democratic president (if they’ll allow one).


I’m sure that’ll fix everything. :joy: Like throwing people out of a lifeboat in the belief that’ll unhappen the shipwreck. Ship all better now yay! Hooray for President Bedbug! He’s ready for his closeup, Mr. Demille!


I think the Democrats should take their time sending the case to the Senate. Let it hang over Trump like the Sword of Damocles. In the meantime the House should continue building its case.


The Senator called Moscow Mitch
His show trial ran into a hitch
Pelosi outfoxed him
And now he is boxed in
Once more he’s learned Karma’s a bitch.


In the meantime the House should continue building its case.

Maybe there is a rush, I don’t know. But once Pelosi turns over articles of impeachment to McConnell, he will have all the power - to control the narrative and change the rules - and even the “guarantees” Pelosi is seeking. The Senate can even offer Trump the option to appear or not. And apparently, Roberts has little to nothing to say about rule changes.


What Happens In The Senate

Something different than we expected. Looks like McConnell is now pro-impeachment!


Is it just me, or does this morning seem somehow happier?

It’s like a fat load has been lifted, at least partially.


Remember maximus, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things …


Somehow fitting that, after residing in this county over 16 years, the day Trump is impeached is the same day I receive my first ever jury summons. :smiley:


I’m more curious as to what happens next in the WH, I’m guessing we are going to see a tweeter rant the likes of which has never been seen before.


“The trial will almost certainly consume Washington, as other work in the upper chamber will come to a screeching halt until after senators decide whether to acquit or convict Trump for his Ukraine pressure campaign.”

I’m sorry, exactly WHAT work in the Senate will come to a screeching halt?

The Senate has passed 70 bills this year, compared with hundreds of bills in a normal year.


Too many Americans are ignorant of the working of government and the constitutional process regarding impeachment and trial.

Now that the House has passed articles of impeachment this mass of people ask… “Now what?”

The media will need to fill the vacuum left by the end of the impeachment hearings with process stories.

The more time between impeachment in the house and start of the Senate trial the more time Americans have to be educated on the Constitutional genesis and previous precedent of Senate impeachment trials.

This puts McConnell and Republican senators in an uncomfortable spotlight.


My coffee tastes particularly good this morning. Part of that is going to a local coffee roaster shop and picking out their beautiful product. The rest is relief that Speaker Pelosi & the Democratic House pulled off the MoFo’s Merry Impeachment, and will push the Senate to adopt rules before they submit it to trial.

Meanwhile, back at the slaughter house, red meat (now containing fecal matter, unwanted hair and genital parts thanks to new inspection standards) is being thrown to the masses. The beat goes on. The base response was seen at last night’s rally. They still want him to hurt people they have learned to hate. It is a real concern.

Some of those basers are Veterans with PTSD that I feel a need to care for as a once upon a time field medic. So I forego the political reasoning to offer guidance and assurance that it is a very normal condition that can be made some better. But I must say that the constant stoking of fear and hatred that MoFo & Friends live by is killing these Veterans and their survivor families. Gun hoarding, insomnia, and self medication are common symptoms that shave off years of potential life. My political conversion rate is a perfect zero. The maze they run always leads them back to support the MoFos who won’t fund their treatment. I’m pretty sure none of them knew they were signing up for this.