What Exactly Do the Christian Nationalists Want? - TPM – Talking Points Memo

The white nationalist Christians want to take America back to February, 1692. What happened in February 1692 you might ask–well the Salem Witch Trials of course. They want the ability to make any kind of shit up they think is necessary to suppress uppity women and kill the men who love them.


This is what Trump did to her.


This is what non-Christian Nationalists want.


Labels such as Christian Nationalist, Christianist (rhymes with Islamist), White Nationalist, etc attempt to group a loosely organized power block that really only has one area of agreement and that area doesn’t actually have much to do with faith even if that is a patina painted on the particular oppressive agenda many happen to prefer.

Think POSIWID and never mind what their stated intent appears to be: what are the actual consequences of their programs and how often does that result in the loss of privacy or liberty for women, minorities, labor, the poor; how often curtailment of a government willing or able to protect them?

What do places where they gain power look like; who benefits? By that shall they be known; screw motives.


“The prince can adorn himself and his residence with Christian symbols, as crosses were once painted on royal armor and portraits of monarchs with scepters and crosses,” he wrote. “The point is that the Christian prince should exercise his power to secure and supplement Christian civil and material culture and do everything in this power to make his people’s culture, as a whole, Christian.”

Ah yes.

All the kingdoms of the world, in all their glory.

All this I will give to you.

And there was something else after that, too, but it probably wasn’t important.


I’ve often used the term ChristoFascism or ChristoFascist for individuals, where the nationalist part is implicit. All fascists want control of government with no opposition.


Let me tell you what they want, what they really, really want:


Blessed be the fruit


Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) described herself as a “Christian nationalist” in 2022, signaling that the term … had been appropriated by — a segment of the MAGA right.


God is sending America strong signs to tell us to repent. Earthquakes and eclipses and many more things to come. I pray that our country listens. ![:pray:

I’m currently watching Satan eat the sun. Thinking about defunding the USGS.


The answer for the Christian Nationalist is if they insist in believing in their gobbledygook metaphysics, then go live in a community that enshrines those beliefs and leave the rest of us alone. They have no right as is made clear by the founding principles of our country to do anything but that. These folks are dangerous, just like Christianity throughout the ages, it’s been used to promulgate violence and genocide and needs to be kept in a walled garden where they can proselytize to each other.


I believe the purpose of this movement is to turn the clock back to the 1950s when America’s power and elite was or was in the hands of a small group of people that excluded much of America.

This article ignores two of the most basic fact about the “Christian Nationalist” movement in America.

The first is that it is almost all White and the second is it is almost all male.

Black Evangelicals, and most Blacks are Evangelicals, vote 90% for Democrats and if left to White Evangelicals, would not be able to vote at all.

What the movement, and make no mistake it is a movement and has been around forever, does is promote a superior class of people based on their religion and ethnicity. The only difference between the current movement and that which was in effect well into the 1960s and even the 1970s and 1980s is the current movement aims to include Catholics.

My grandparents were very close friends, I think they came over on the same boat, with the 2 founders of Master Lock. One of whom was partially responsible for forcing many “clubs” to end their practice of only allowing White Male Protestants and their families to join. The fees to join these clubs was more than most White Male Protestants could afford. That is the clubs were for a certain group of business people to conduct business and exclude all others. Hence why others wanted to end this practice.

Breaking these clubs went a long way for breaking the monopoly White Anglo Saxon Protestants had on both Government and Economic power controlling almost all major corporation management and board of directors.

That is something I believe this movement is trying to do, turn the clock back to when to be able to join the elite of America, you must be a White male Christian.


I’m sorry, but most of the hard right born again assholes that I’ve met couldn’t pour piss out of a gumboot if the directions were written on the heel! I’m much more worried about the rising count of oligarchs and billionaires in our society, who pose much more of a threat to our Democratic republic than some bible clutching morons trying to reform our style of life because they aren’t getting any in theirs!


Here, straight from the mouth of the father of modern partisan political conservatism, the late Paul Weyrich.


To me that sounds like all religions from the beginning of time.


So much wrong here. First and obviously, their positing a Christian past for our nation is a lie - none of our founding documents refer to Christ at all, only the Declaration refers to a deity, in no way is that done within a Christian context, and the majority of the primary authors were Deists, decidedly not Christian. Jefferson himself generated new Bible by removing from his source material every reference to miracles and anything supernatural, and felt he had remarkably improved it. Second, “Christian moral values” have resulted in more wars, more deaths, and more hatred, bigotry, and persecutions over the past 2000 years than any other system of thought. That’s the future these retrogrades are promising us. No, thank you, most emphatically.


Want to formalize societal rules, laws and structures in a way that grants them privileges above Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, agnostics, atheists and all other NON-CHRISTIAN faiths… and essentially make all of these NON- right-wing conservative Christian groups 2nd class citizens.

So in any instance where there are differences in philosophy /values - the Christian Nationalists essentially are driving toward a society where their right wing “Christian” interpretations are the law of the land & all must obey … all “NONs” shall subordinate themselves to the rules of the ruling Christians

Of course, it this were to actually get momentum - it will not be long before taking a loyalty oath to Jesus will be a requirement to hold office.


tribal leaders created stories to explain the natural events that came to pass. these ‘stories’ were passed down from generation to generation, and were probably altered to suit the story-tellers agenda , at that period of time… i like mythology, it sort of gives equal power to both men and women…then science& logic reared its head and blew all that away,


James Madison, the author of the Constitution or at least the first draft, wanted a hermetic separation between church and state.

For along time the the bedrock principle was that Government cannot favor one religion, including no religion, over another. This prohibited the Government from putting it “imprimatur” on any religious doctrine or teachings.


You’re probably not soaking God properly.

Cover your God in two inches of water, add two tablespoons of kosher (obviously) salt per pound of God, and let soak overnight.

(If it feels like God is soaking you, discontinue watching televangelists.)


After that, oddly enough, crime rates dropped, rape and incest rates declined, graduations increased, happiness ratings doubled overnight. Millions of guns were melted into art sculptures that beautified cities instead of raving them. People started attending outdoor festivals again and child poverty rates dropped precipitously. All-in-all a win for all those “left behind.”

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