My 96 year old neighbor still gets it. (It’s so thin these days.) Her first presidential vote was for FDR, in 1944. Can’t understand what’s become of the country her husband fought for in WWII.
Oh, the ingratitude! After all they did to help him get elected!
Absolutely. Remember how a few weeks ago we heard that a clipping service was sending right wing fringe stuff to judges?
Trump and Foxworld is desperate to pipe Fox into all govt agencies to try brainwashing public employees on the job. And it’ll be good for Fox’s as revenue, which Trump maybe gets a cut of somehow.
lol. A local, I see
Surprised he hasn’t made them all swear loyalty oaths to him (yet).
I am not sure a president has the power to control what anyone, even federal workers, reads or subscribes to. There is this little part of a certain document that trump calls “fake” when it gets in his autocratic way of behaving. The government cannot abridge the freedom of the press or speech (in the larger sense) which includes what we read, what we think, how we express ourselves. Can daddy two scoops control what federal employees read?
The point is that the different agencies monitor the papers for news which affects them. You may have noticed things like the recent report in the WaPo on some nurse in a VA hospital who was killing patients.
And Congress reads those headlines and calls the leadership in for hearings about it. If they’re not reading it, they won’t be prepared to respond.
And you can’t require or expect the employees to maintain private subscriptions in order to complete their public job.
My dear lovely Mrs darr gets the NYT paper edition When she’s done with it I use it to place under our cat litter pans (we have a feral kitty who even at 8 years old has not quite got that hang of the litter and box thing like his two domesticated kitty buddies have. Of course the litter box is lined with a small plastic garbage bag. Makes it easier to bag the cat poo. But the NYT has it’s function.
Shoot, by the time that comes on the wagon out to you, must be at least six months old.
My personal newsprint needs are met by my local daily. Made a newspaper/cardboard/mulch sandwich to smother a highly invasive perennial that I deeply regret ever giving garden space to. Digital media does have its limitations.
You use a litter box? TMI.
Nooo! But they get the NYT for the comics, I swear. Now what? They have to laugh at Trump for their daily joke?
Nein. I use it as a gardening aid.
Although…back when I had three cats I had a litterbox on either side of the toilet. Usually I didn’t need to remind human visitors to use the one in the middle. Usually.
Still works under them cat litter pans. An we here in the Sonoran Desert don’ need nonna them fancy easterner rags anyways.
He is. And Barr’s boys are trying to make sure he stays that way.
I can’t drink due to medical issues but when the vote is taken and trump is finally impeached and the Senate put on notice they will have to hold a trial and trump will potentially be chucked under a bus… I will crack open a bottle of Bulleit’s 10 year old bourbon and allow myself a celebratory 1/2 oz (only).
So… About the rest of that bottle…
Some for impeachment, some for the trial, more for a conviction. (also popcorn at each stage…I assume they mix). A little more for each indictment…