WH Plan To Combat Antisemitism Takes On Centuries Of Hatred, Discrimination And Lynching In America

A difference without a distinction?


I think that jealousy is a red herring (The poor just envy the rich, women just envy men, etc. as those two groups seek equality and justice under the laws.) and that hatred of entire groups of people is either a result of personal harms (fear) or social programming by family and/or institutions (tradition). When boiled down to its essence, I suspect that greed for power, resources, and status is the more dominant factor whether at the individual, community, state, or national level.


Good point

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Yeah, it’s one of my favorite self-owns!


Most Gentiles view this as just some rando lunacy, but Jewish folks immediately recognize it as the 1,000-year-old slur of “blood libel” – the lie that Jews murder Christian children to bake their blood in matzo.

“Comet Pizza”, “adrenochrome”, and “George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Tom Hanks are eating babies!” didn’t come from nowhere. It’s a deliberate campaign. It (literally) has a history.

Make no mistake, these are just 21st Century versions of that vile anti-Semitic smear the medieval Church, Hitler, and today’s American Nazis perpetuate. It’s a bullhorned shibboleth among Trump and Flynn brownshirts.

Jewish folks have been living (and dying) with this for centuries, even if most Americans haven’t a clue.


In practice, your view expressed here about American Jews and Israel dovetails with that of the antisemites. Beyond that, the idea that Israel would be able to take hordes of American refugees, let alone want many, seems to me quite wishful. And, of course, it also implicitly shows denigration of the native Palestinians.

You’re welcome to your opinion.

You might do well to read history, though.

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as many Black people and women have learned, you can’t achieve your way out of discrimination


Boebert’s cult worships SELF. A malady from which most conservative suffer. To them, its all about self.


Yes – the dominant current in the contemporary reactionary party is radical right.
Allowing them to cloak themselves in the term ‘conservative’ does everyone but them a disservice.


I knew some conservatives who don’t hate at least not in front of me and would have been shocked if they realized many of their political allies were anti-semites or out and out racists, but that is changing now. Many of them have been slinking away from the Republican party.


Has anybody else noticed that Donald Trump is getting less airtime and Ron DeSantis is getting more. I think some of the networks are coming to the conclusion that Donnie P Grabber has worn out his whine.

DeSantis is an out and out facsist bully. His great weakness is he isn’t very good at it. I am not particularly interested in surrendering my freedoms to him and his bunch of billionaire donor thugs.


There were only about 2000 Jews here at the time of the American Revolution, and almost all who fought supported independence as well as providing financial support. At the opening of Touro Synagogue in Newport, RI in 1790 President Washington wrote,
May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in the land continue to merit and enjoy the goodwill of the other inhabitants. While everyone shall sit safely under his own vine and fig-tree and there shall be none to make him afraid."



When Judaism is reduced to a plot point for Armageddon and the return of Jesus to Earth, well, I just about LOSE IT. Anti-Semitism is Christianity’s Original Sin.


I mean, using Nazi-esque imagery to warn against home-grown fascism has been a staple of The Wall set list since the album and movie were released. It’s always been very much a ‘don’t think it can’t happen here [in England]’.

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Yes, and Water’s politics have been questioned numerous times in the last few years. IMO he’s sympathetic and hiding behind the imagery used in the film.


Waters’ politics have been questioned, sure, but usually when you dig into it, it’s because he supports boycotting and divesting investment in Israel over their treatment of the Palestinians. He’s put in a lot of work helping against poverty, too. Neither form of supporting the dispossessed tends to be popular among authoritarians.

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Wow, I had no idea. Thank you so much for your post, and this great, new (to me, anyway) information.

Deep Bow!



These things are ALL recycled myths.


Karl Jung would have agreed with you.

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