WH Plan To Combat Antisemitism Takes On Centuries Of Hatred, Discrimination And Lynching In America

Thanks for the clarification. I’ll grant Grant the passing of the 15th Amendment. And I really don’t know that much else about him, other than the striking corruption and failure of his presidential administration. As a general, a very different man of achievement.

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Hate and prejudice don’t have to come from experience. It comes from stupidity and inheritance (word-of-thought and modeling others) much more often. JMHO.


Hating is harmful to one’s self. That’s enough reason to not go around actually hating.

That said, there’s a difference between hating a person and hating a stereotype that one holds against a group of people. There’s nothing inherently antisemitic about, for example, disliking or even hating George Soros or Stephen Miller for their actions, statements, or personalities. Nothing antisemitic about pointing out actual actions that are bad, nor about disagreements of ideology.

Where the anti-Soros haters wander into antisemitism is when – instead of disagreeing vigorously on policy – they accuse Soros of funding the killing of children, the drinking of blood from victims, dual allegiance, or other antisemitic libels without actual evidence (because of course there is no evidence; these claims are antisemitic fantasy)


It’s learned. Kids pick it up from the family. People learn to hate people they’ve never met. No rationality in it.

ETA: Not helping matters is that ethnocentrism is likely universal.


When I was a kid, it was a widespread “joke” that WASP actually stood for “white anti-semitic protestant”.


Speaking of assholes


Yes but Boebert thinks combating this is a sneak attack on Republicans!!!


Also available in PDF form online for free. That’s how I read it. that’s also how I read Camp of the Saints, Turner Diaries, and Mein Kampf. It’s also how I look up bible verses – all free.


She’s not wrong. Republicans, at least MAGA Republicans, have fully embraced a conflation of Libs with Jews in their antisemitic trope slinging.

Cannibalistic pedophiles drinking the blood of their victims in an underground hideout to extend their lives? Check.

Creeping Socialism and Marxism? Check

Globalism as a deception to achieve world dominance? Check.

Try reading any MAGA discussion forum and see how easily you could replace libs with (((libs))), shitlibs with (((shitlibs))), and liberal elites with Elders of Zion


And read by persons who don’t usually read anything and with zero ability to read critically.
I think Turner and Protocols are fictitious. They’re read as “evidence” and “proof”.


Far too many conservatives do not feel that way.
Fighting antisemitism is robbing them of their freedom.
Freedom to hate is far more important that peace, love, understanding, forgiveness, or anything else that Jesus taught.


That’s of course why they’re online and free :wink: Pierce is still alive. He could re-copyright if he wanted…

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That reminded me of video games. Video games reminded me of this fun vid.

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Some part of it is coming from parishioners who long to take their church back to the 16th century, when church and polity were blended in the state which gave hypocrites the power to impose their alleged philosophy of life on the unbelievers.
You know, that greater good for which the the various stripes of dominionist queue up.


Both churches i’ve ever belonged to growing up are now both shut down for lack of any congregation. The first one was in a building that dated to the 1870s. The few remnants of that congregation tore it down and hocked the stained glass windows. The other church is being sold right now. Methodists are in dire straights.


I rode my bike through Steele City, NE back in 2002. The town was down to one church and one bar. Only the bar was still open for business.


The term conservative is becoming an archaicism. These people are reactionaries – at best. And at worst, well we all know.

We’ve got to pollute the term conservative the way they polluted liberal. It’s on its way to happening already, but we’ve got to help it along.


Just call it “Optimistic Race Theory” and all the MAGAs will demand it.

They only object to “Critical Race Theory” because they think it means you have to criticize America and/or Jesus. That’s how dumb these motherfuckers are now.


where antisemitism could lead

It leads to murder.


Is it, though?

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