WH Plan To Combat Antisemitism Takes On Centuries Of Hatred, Discrimination And Lynching In America

They can also wander into antisemitism by applying different standards to those they believe are Jewish.


Arguing against saving some because it may be impossible to save all is illogical. It also devalues the lives of those who could be saved.

The right to exist takes precedence over the right to live in a particular patch of land.

My lineage fled religious persecution by fleeing across an ocean in tiny boats. I find myself unsympathetic to Palestinian lamentations for being forced off their land.

So far more exposure for DeSantis has decreased his standing with the American public.

The Right needs a back up to Trump but is having trouble selling what appeals to Trump’s base to anyone else.

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It’s mutual. There are now generations of Israelis whose initial exposure to Palestinians was as the people who were firing rockets at them when they were children.

Building collapses in Davenport, Iowa

Lukashenko in Belarus is offering nuclear weapons to any nation willing to join the union of Belarus and Russia.

And the president of Uganda signed a bill basically making homosexuality worthy of the death penalty

I think I will go back to bed as it is still early here


Yup. Absolutely true.

But when one side is herding millions of people into ever-shrinking parcels of non-arable land, expanding illegal settlements in occupied territory, using tanks to bulldoze houses, and re-enacting the Boston Massacre only using the kind of rubber bullets the Redcoats didn’t have access to in 1774 whenever someone chucks a rock at a guy in full combat armor from half a football field away…

Very much not a supporter of Hamas, but the Palestinians aren’t the ones who chose to create this situation.


The Palestinians were stuck with the anemic leadership of Arafat for years; now they are stuck with malevolent machinations of Netanyahu.

Hard to believe there’s a god,

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I look forward to your next post, “The so-called ‘Holocaust’: another perspective.”


And before that, they were stuck with the UN deciding to force them off their land out of guilt.

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White guys knew best.

(Apologies to the white guys of TPM; I know it wasn’t you.)

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Your above statement, as well as your entire comment, is a broad and dangerous one. You are (purposefully?) conflating the actions and political policies of a foreign nation with the existence and safety of American citizens.

Are you really saying that you don’t care about the mass murder of American Jews at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh? Are you really saying that until the country of Israel stops marginalizing Palestinians in their country, that you don’t care if American white supremacists murder American Jews here?

I too am concerned and distraught about the plight of the Palestinian people, but that is not what this TPM article is about. I also see that you feel passionately about the current political climate in Israel. If you want to continue discussing it, I suggest you do so in the Hive on the Open Israel/Palestine thread, and not on this comment thread.


US Grant was a terrible president.
He was also our greatest general, maybe one of the greatest ever.
Do your own research on his generalship.

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When I was in college in the mid 80s, my apartment mate (who was a grad student) mentioned that she’d known someone from rural Illinois in her undergrad days (early 80s–sorry, this is complicated). The rural person believed that Jews wore yarmulkes to cover up their horns.

When I was in grad school for medieval European history, specifically the Crusades and early Christianity, I read the primary sources leading in a direct line to 80s attitudes.


Gavin Langmuir wrote a brilliant article on the completely mythological origins of Hugh of Lincoln, one of the first (if not the first) supposed “martyrs” of the Jews. I used to assign it in my medieval European course. When the students realized that the chronicler made up the whole blood libel–and why!–their jaws would drop in shock. The chronicler wanted Lincoln to become a pilgrimage site, and it needed a saint to bring in the pilgrims.


As recently as the 70s I heard Alito-type Catholics refer to Jews as “them Christ-killers”.

Two of my grand kids attended a Jewish day-care where they had lessons – beginning reading etc. They also taught Hebrew language songs. 70% of the kids there were non-Jews. Why? It had such great reputation.
In NJ, all sorts of non-Catholics, black and brown kids went to Catholic schools. Again, they wanted their kids to have a more conventional education as the public schools were failing and became a dumping ground for kids nobody wanted.


I know Jewish kids in Philadelphia who went to Friends Schools (Quaker Schools).

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I am not so sure he was such a bad President. He had an honorable record during reconstruction we don’t hear about because he was the victim of some really focused bigoted Southern historians who were trying to paper over racism before, during and after reconstruction.


You’re probably right. Objective studies of his competence as a military leader are almost universally in agreement. He was great. BTW, he was also fearless, had 4 horses shot out from under him.


I love the stories of his superb horsemanship, from the time he was a toddler until and including his presidency.

Grant’s classmate, the future Confederate General, James Longstreet, said of Grant that, “In horsemanship, however, he was noted as the most proficient in the Academy. In fact, rider and horse held together like the fabled centaur…”


Thanks. I’ve read bits and pieces of these stories over the years.

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