In the days after it became clear that White House had suffered a COVID-19 outbreak, many who had been in the building or interacted with the President wondered aloud: why hadn’t they heard from contact tracers?
If only someone in charge had been aware of the potential severity of this, and knew that Covid was transmitted by airborne particles, and would NOT magically disappear when if got warmer.
In the days after it became clear that White House had suffered a COVID-19 outbreak, many who had been in the building or interacted with the President wondered aloud: why hadn’t they heard from contact tracers?
There is no harm in being behind a plexiglass shield and it models good behavior. He will look stupid but fine let him stand there. It sure didn’t hurt Jamie Harrison vs Lindsey Graham. Graham opted to remain at the podium without protection.
“Why is this name smudged? Does it say ‘Sean Kormack’? It looks like someone tried to scratch out…is that ‘Sergei’? ‘Sergei Kis–Kislyak’?”
What an asshole. He doesn’t have any respect for other people or even a hint of common decency. OK, you don’t think you need it? So what? It’s not a big imposition or anything. Why make a stink? You have to brown-nose that deeply about everything?
He’s clearly just Trump’s shadow at this point. He would have no existence at all if Trump disappeared tomorrow. Everything he does is just a fuzzy imitation of Trump to try to get some of the base limelight.