WH Officials Tell Advocates On Call That Refugee Cap Is Now Likely To Be Raised Quickly | Talking Points Memo

White House officials signaled in a conference call with advocates for refugee resettlement on Friday night that after wavering, President Joe Biden is now likely to move quickly to increase the nation’s refugee cap, CNN reported on Saturday. 

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1370213

White House officials signaled in a conference call with advocates for refugee resettlement on Friday night that after wavering, President Joe Biden is now likely to move quickly to increase the nation’s refugee cap


But as always, the proof is in the pudding.


It is good to have a government that can feel shame


One damn good reason to increase the ceiling on Refugees or other immigrants is last November Central America got hammered by hurricanes back to back which wiped out houses, villages, roads, killed 200 people, destroyed crops and food storage facilities such that folks have no shelter and do not know where their next meal will be coming from. These things tend to make people migrate to where they think food and shelter are. That is a big reason for the huge numbers of folks looking for help. They don’t want to leave their countries on a lark or a vacation… they’re trying to live.
Maybe my 52 years of living near the border have colored my viewpoint. I don’t see people as “the Other” coming to rape and pillage and steal jobs. I don’t care what color someone’s skin is, I care about character. I guess that’s a rejected concept.


Another one is that between now and September 11, we’ll likely see a tidal wave of Afghan refugees.

(And we should never, ever turn our backs on those who helped America, and who – along with their families – will surely be targeted for death after we depart.)


So the issue is capacity to deliver.

That, and the resettlement team was deployed to help the kids at the border.

*pet peeve of mine. Decimated means reduced by a tenth. The word dismantled or debilitated are more suitable.


I’ll accept the apologies from all the folks yesterday who griped that this wasn’t a capacity issue because the programs were totally unrelated and that Biden was a horrible person for not delivering everyone in America a pony within his first 100 days.


I’m honestly surprised.


After being soundly condemned by their own party, suddenly Greene and Gosar don’t know nuttin’ about any proposed caucus. Success has many parents, but disgusting Nazi trash is an orphan.


Will they get hate threats now?


But I was so looking forward to the Republicans’ counter proposal on the housing envelope of the Infrastructure Bill.


I figured the Trumpies’ destruction of the basic functions of our immigration services might have an impact on the ability to take in more refugees for while. I’m glad to see that is the case - that is fixable even if it takes a little time.


:joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :joy:


‘We’re Going To Increase The Number’ Biden Now Says Of Refugee Cap Supreme Court

A Dorko can dream, can’t he?


When I was in Afghanistan in 1970 I saw kids not yet teens with their own rifles. Clan honor is very very important and those who helped us by being guides, translators etc put their lives and their families on the line for us. It’s incumbent we get them out NOW. As in today.
The Russians had their time there, learned the lesson and left. We should as well. In our case we were after al Qaida. We’d chase them in Afghanistan but their bases were in the tribal areas of Pakistan, our erstwhile ally where the terrorists were safe. That was the core of the problem. Neither the Afghans not the Pakistani try to govern the tribal belt. There’s no way they could.


Color me not surprised.

Uncle Joe correcting course, and in a rather timely fashion too.

Amazing to have a reasonable adult as leader rather than a petulant child


Ironic, in its own way, since the Romans didn’t use the decimal system…


But my hypothesis still stands that Biden was tired of the constant fawning adulation and just did a “my bad” for the Lulz.
(Then played fetch with Major).


Joe Biden is so cool!
Go Joe!


They didn’t have to do decimals. They simply ordered every tenth man in the ranks of a disgraced unit to step forward and be put to death.