President Trump and the White House coronavirus task force are scheduled to hold a briefing at 5 p.m. ET. Trump is now facing backlash — even from fellow Republicans — for his remark during last night’s briefing that his “authority is total” regarding the reopening of the economy. We’ll also keep our eyes peeled for an announcement on guidelines to reopen the economy, which National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow teased will come “in the next day or two.”
So do I. I was talking to my brother Sunday and we were talking about these “briefings”. He said he watched about 10 minutes before turn it off. He hasn’t watched one since.
I am watching Gov Cuomo on CSPAN, his comments combined with POTUS Obama’s endorsement of Biden is going to make this an epic briefing.
All the way live!
ETA: Cuomo is being diplomatic and professional but he is pointing out where trump is wrong. “Spoiling for a fight”