Founder & Editor-in-Chief:
Executive Editor:
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Founder & Editor-in-Chief:
Executive Editor:
I just can’t watch this lying POS today. I’ve managed to follow almost every one so far, but I just can’t do it today. I may punch my TV.
I’m sorry to hear it.
I’m sure this will be painless.
More briefings from the White House?!?
Come on! One epidemic at a time!
We’re #1
USA 81,896
China 81,285
Italy 80,589
At least according to this site
And there I thought it would not be until midnight…
Get Trump on a fucking golf course, stat!
I’m sure more argle bargle with some side tips about asparagus, and other delusional gibberish something, something.
So it won’t start until 6?
Perhaps he hasn’t switched to Daylight Savings Time.
Sorry, they’re all closed until Easter.
He will gloat about the markets then get mad and leave when someone asks a hard questions.
White House to hold Bullshit briefing to completely lie about what they are doing to Waste Time implementing the Coronavirus Rescue Package.
Check out the country curves at the JHU site
The US one is exhibiting a moon shot compared to all the others, compare the location of the “knee” and the subsequent slope…
Even Italy and Spain don’t compare…
Edit: to get a country curve, click on the country in the left hand column, display is at lower right…
No, he’ll declare the crisis is over with and send everyone home.
This lying ass bitch needs to be REMOVED from office immediately!
Thank you, all for enduring this. Just reading the highlights rather than watching is helping to keep my blood pressure down.
Happy Prime Member.
Watch for some talk about they’re developing a low-medium-high risk rating for each separate county in the USA, so they can start pressuring people to go back to work after Trump’s 15 days.
. . . . to go pack the churches.
Perfect still-life of Trump until the briefing starts: waving his hands pointlessly, as if he knows what the fuck he’s talking about.