WH Denies Trump Is Ignoring Barr | Talking Points Memo

Please ask Hogan Gidley if Trump’s tweets about cases in the Justice Department should be considered in the “Tweets are absolutely the policy of the Administration” category or if they are in the “Exercising his first amendment rights like any other American” category. Are the Tweets like the “I’ll be communicating with you via Twitter” category?


Center Left is the Ticket, El Gales.

Now how would one get the four non-Bernie-ers to make a sacrifice for the good of the country?

If I were any one of them I would be thinking, “I ALONE can save the Country.”

Well said…left is right and day is night and right is wrong. I could go on but enough of this already, in all senses of that expression. Don’t know how I can wait for him to leave the Oval Office?

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I am hoping that ego (or an alarmed DOJ) will sink Barr. Probably the latter. Barr, like McConnell, is reptilian in cold calculation and treachery


By abusing Article II of the US Constitution?!?!?!

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They’re not just counter-intuitive, they’re the opposite of what you would expect./s

Can’t … Stop … Looking …
This is the visual version of an Ear Worm!


Yup, I keep returning to the top of this thread.

Well our Fair-haired POTUS better get crackin’ on that pardon?

“They both made their opinions well known. I’m not saying the President is ignoring the attorney general,” Gidley said. “What I’m saying, though, is the President has the right to defend himself just like any other American citizen. He has done it before and I’m sure he will do it again.”


Ahem …

And it’s a looooong thread.


Yes, but with the ravages of steriod use instead of freckles.

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Does he live in Green Acres?


Many people say it’s the place to be.


This is strangely relaxing. It’s the only thing in my world that makes sense right now.

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It’s been in the hands of the Queen of England this whole time. When Kenya split off from the Empire, the brits took all the records back with them.

That’s why the Queen always had that smirk on around Obama, she had his birth certificate in hand the whole time and was blackmailing him.

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Tish. Pshaw. Nonsense.

Coffee boy. Nothing more.

Oh, boo hoo. I was hoping he’d get to ask William Barr a few questions next month.

Hogan Gidley said a thing? Well isn’t that nice.

Even better if you inhale the contents of a helium balloon before making the attempt.!!:crazy_face:

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Hogan Gidley looks like that nice boy all the church ladies fawn over every Sunday. Do they know what evil he’s up to the rest of the time?